Per Linda: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “starts with gen.” Find a word that starts with “gen” and use it in your post. Have fun!

This is to combine the SoCS with the AtoZ Challenge that I seem ahead of? I thought yesterday was G, but oh, well, I’ll go with it and stream as it will.

While everyone is concentrating on Easter and streaming and the challenges, I am still editing my CampNaNo novel, Reflexion. The ‘G’ word is Generate, something I need to do. I can’t wait to finish the edits to part one and actually start writing part two. I may actually get finished by tomorrow. I’m hoping that I won’t get garbage, but when letting the consciousness play and put the editor away, you gather the flowers with the thorns, if you get my drift. Generally, I know where the story is going, but now is not the time to worry about grace. Writing is fairly graceless. Editing is when you can make good, or almost good, to great. I hope.

The story I’m writing is sci-fi with ghosts. That is who is doing the reflections of the crew. Grand and Greatgrandparents who didn’t want to travel were left behind on Earth, but they chose to go with the space team in the end. And their ability to be there and unseen by many helps solve a lot of problems but gives grounds for a lot more growth.

Ah, well, back to editing. GROAN!

Ah, well, I’m still: