Usually when my long hair irritates me, I pull it back in a ponytail. Today it tickled me like I had spiders crawling on me. It was past my shoulders by 7 inches. I was trying to color it purple but the lower part just got dark brownish purplish muddy color. So it was time to cut it.

I was a cosmetologist in my late teens and early twenties. So cutting hair is fun. But it’d been a while. So I found a really fun YouTube video to get me started. Now I was unafraid to start.

Don’t mind all my projects behind me. Or all the wrinkles!

I like the light lavender. And I feel free! There are still a couple snips I need to do. And my husband has promised to shave the monkey strays on my neck tomorrow.

Undeniably I can say I’m ready for summer. But I will have to be diligent not to leave my newly exposed face, ears or neck parts uncovered. Sunscreen Unlimited!