Last August, I was so excited that our Ancheer Treadmill was in my house. I got to it right away, using it nearly every day. Then suddenly it stopped! Just when I was finally doing a slow jog a few months ago. I was quite proud. I had labeled the speeds:

1 stuck behind the slow people at the mall

2 crowded mall but able to move at a normal speed

3 heading toward the car after shopping in the mall

4 slow running after the bus but not letting the cool kids see you run

5 Truly late for the bus, it is waiting for you.

I was moving toward a 6, and the motor stopped. I nearly fell off. The error message said the motor needed to be replaced. Ebay, and the company, Ancheer were not helping to find solutions. I wanted it fixed. I loved working on the treadmill. But if they couldn’t seem to help. If we could get our money back, it would mean I could get another somewhere.

Thank goodness I had purchased insurance with it. My husband was on the phone or emailing the companies, and finally, the insurance came through. We lost $2, but today we were able to purchase a Stationary Bike! It will be easier for my husband with his metal joints. Here’s a picture of what we ordered.

I think this will work out well. My son and I are trying to take a daily walk. So between these, maybe I can get back in shape, of some kind, less round, let’s say. I’ll let you know how it works out.

I couldn’t decide which emoji works better for this, so you get both, my close to realistic, or my inner rebel?
