My daughter and son-in-love dressed as the twins from the Shining. Though He is handsome as a male he’s pretty cute as a girl. What’s fun is that both mothers gave the spouse away. Without informing the other, we moms were witches! Me with daughter and new son with my other sons in the back.
The king is from:

Middle back son is wearing a plaid shirt representing:

My #1 son is hidden behind my hat. But he is dressed as a Blues Brother.

The home where the wedding was on the lake front. My new son’s mother’s home. It was beautiful. My diverticulitis was acting up or I would have stayed as the reception was going on. My daughter married into a huge fantastic family.

I took tons of pictures, and so did other family members. So I’ll share more later. I’m sorry to be so vague with names but I’m trying to protect individual privacy while sharing my love of this awesome day. I’ll share more as time and energy permits.

Happy early Halloween!