Rogue Protocol (The Murderbot Diaries, #3)Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Far too short! I finished another book way before it was time to sleep, but finished this before I was actually sleepy!

All of the books in this series are fun. I love this murdering, well, programmed to do so, robot. Watching his conscience grow as he becomes a person in his own right is heartwarming and hilarious. In spite of himself, he protects the people and even other robots. The things he speaks in the inner dialogue the reader is privy to surprise or make you laugh out loud.

This book just felt like a continuation of the last two books, just a new situation to maneuver.

I have already put the next in the series on hold on Libby. If you haven’t discovered Libby, you should, especially if you have a lower-than-adequate income.

I just learned that Apple TV has this series. I’d love to see this acted out.

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