Per Linda:

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 21st, 2024, is “plants.” Use it as a noun or a verb; use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

I have a love/can’t relationship with plants. Before Children (BC), I had a jungle of plants. After the first baby became mobile, I had to get them up and out of the way. Any time I have to put things out of sight, it is out of mind for me. Yeah, my poor organizing skills fall in this realm. My son laughed at me when he saw me going through a pile of papers. I found what I was looking for. But had it been in a nice neat file I would have lost the paper. That’s also what happened when kid number one didn’t learn the lesson of staying away from my sewing machine. He caught his finger under the needle. So I put it away and have rarely opened it in the 50 years since.

I should plant myself down and work on these issues now that there are no children or even crazy pets to hid plants from. Even still, I worry about our 20-year-old Rosey. What if she found that rosemary I bought as a Christmas bush? So it got put in a neglected place and I don’t think it will revive.

And this house was so cold the first few years we didn’t dare try plants or fish. We spent the winter in the bedrooms. We have since picked up a few radiant heaters so we use the whole house but now there isn’t the room there was way back five years ago.

So I am proud that I still have a lucky bamboo my son and his lady gave me a few years ago. And the cactus that came with the house is still alive. And we have a mixture of avocado seeds and mint in a pot just going crazy. These three are in my kitchen window. We see them all the time so they get watered a lot. I wish I had one of those garden windows that would hold a lot of plants. Cats wouldn’t be able to get at them and yet I could see them and keep them healthy.

Our outdoor plants seem to think it is Spring already but I hope they aren’t too expectant. I think we have a month of this cold and hopefully more snow.