The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children, #2)The Valley of Horses by Jean M. Auel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I think this is my favorite of the series. This time, I only listened to the Audible. Before I had a chance to write this second review, I moved on to the next book. This is such a fun series! I stand by my previous review below.


This second book in the series was more exciting than the first. Jean Auel has created such believable characters who dwell in an equally believable world.

By reading the Kindle version while listening to the Audible version, the story comes to life. Sandra Burr’s narration is well done.

Horses. Need I say more?

Tags: audible, feminism, herstorical-fiction, history, horses, kindle, read, womyn

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Talking while Diamond Painting is so much fun. Thank you, Cher!

The flounder flopped when I had to go back to work. The laundry is still sitting in front of me to fold. I may not get to all the music fun tonight. I may be down on the sea bottom with the flounder as I am so tired.

But here’s how far I got on the Sea Turtles:

Almost done and already know where it is going! Nice to know these guys will get a good home!