I can’t believe I’m involved in three diamond paintings at a time.  I straightened and sealed the Sea Turtles. So that on pay day I can mail it. It still looks the same so I’ll use a past pic.

This was a fun project!

While it was drying, I decided to go with the peacock next. So I’m geared up ready to go. Here’s the opening.

The usual pen, cushion, tray, wax and baggies. Those cellophane bags the drills come in were so full of static. I think because today was windy, snowy, rainy, and back to wind.
I can’t wait to start this beauty! I have books on that center fold hoping to iron it out by tomorrow. We
I got this much done so far on the lighthouse. Click on the picture to see the diamonds and empty symbols. I learned, just now, that this lightpad doesn’t need to stay plugged in. It can be charged! Yay! Small wins, ya know?
Except for hiding the yarn ends, I finished these.  They seem larger than the size 7. But as slippers they may work.

So the founding of the day was trying not to dump diamonds everywhere especially with static making them fly. I only have two hands people!