I loved this. I am still unsure of blogging so I love reading about how others do it, and have lives. 🙂

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An Interview with Jennifer David(Author and Blogger)

jenyName:Jennifer David

Blog :http://writingsofamrs.wordpress.com/

1. Can you tell us something about your blogging journey. How and when did you enter into blogging? 

I started blogging on April 1st 2013.  April Fool’s Day of all days!  I decided to start a blog to take some time for me.  Something personal, although very public.  I needed to give some attention to my writing.  I felt the need to express myself and I am so thankful that I decided to listen to and respond to the desire.

2. How many hours do you spend per day on your blog(s)?

The amount of time varies depending on what my day entails.  I am very busy with a large family and also a part time job.  If I had it my way I would spend 8 hours a day on the various aspects that go with…

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