13 Little Blue Envelopes with Bonus Material 13 Little Blue Envelopes with Bonus Material by Maureen Johnson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sorry I didn’t send you all postcards. I didn’t have time to stop for souvenirs. Ah, but aren’t road trips the best? That’s how I felt as I was reading this charming book. Like I have been from New York to visit a lot of Europe. I met so many people and saw so many sights. I might have learned a thing or two along the way.

Every moment of this book was fun, even the angsty ones. These weren’t the usual teen/romance angsts but rather of getting lost or being shy or missing a loved one. Anyone can relate to those feelings, no matter what their age or gender. I loved the characters and their growth throughout the book. I so wanted to give Gin, the MC a hug on a few occasions. That’s how real she felt to me.

You know, I only have one bad thing to say about the book. That is about the bonus part. That is the first bit of the next book. You see, this book was free, way back in–was it 2011 or 2012? In fact, I couldn’t find the B004T5V4L6 edition on Amazon. At any rate, it was the lead up to book two that was the bonus. Picture me with a fish-hook through my mouth. So I went to look for the next one and found it to be way to expensive for my meager book allowance. AND neither this book or the next are lending-enabled. BOO! So I am on a waiting list for the library version. Hope the font is large enough for me.

Anyway, want to travel? Pick up this book. $1.99, I think. Compared to the cost of the flight alone, that is a bargain! Enjoy!

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