Alien Within (Sandi Nuolla Book 1)Alien Within by Karen Forrester

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay. This was more like it. A sci-fi with strong female leads. Other planets and peoples. Bad people that want to take over the Earth. All happening while we get to know a nice main character, Sandi.

I am having trouble avoiding spoilers. I guess all I can say is read it for yourself. Especially if you love sci-fi with strong females. Warning: there are LGBTQ themes, but not in ways that are overwhelming. Just the right amount for folks that are more advanced than our current population in ways of love.

This edition was given to me during an author giveaway for free-4-reviews. I feel so lucky that I was able to read it. It was fun. I miss it already! I look forward to a possible book two, please, please, please. I will read Karen Forrester’s book Inner Mind/Outer Space, just to keep the good feelings alive that I got from Alien Within.

By the way, these two books I placed in my Moon Reader Pro so that my tablet could use its text-to-speech. I do love that program. It makes reading faster and easier for me.

So, sci-fi friends, please seek these books out and enjoy!

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