Tag Archive: Art

The Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We BecomeThe Walking Dead, Vol. 10: What We Become by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m so sad. This is the last issue that I can get on Kindle Unlimited. The rest cost more than I can afford. I have put in a request at my local e-library but had to order them. If not there I’ll try another library.

Anyway, this was a good one. A lot of the story here wasn’t in the show so it was more fun than others. Sure we met Rosita, Eugene, and Abraham. And Morgan is back! I enjoyed their stories here.

I highly recommend reading the comics this way. With Kindle, you can enlarge frames and see the artwork better and read the finer fonts. Unlimited, you can read for free if you have it.

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 9: Here We RemainThe Walking Dead, Vol. 9: Here We Remain by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

And another one bites the dust!

Once again I read this issue thanks to Kindle Unlimited. I couldn’t help myself. I am addicted to watching the show (Yes, I am on my umpteenth watch of the whole series) and comparing the plot lines and characters. This issue in particular.

This is the post-prison Carl and Rick in house hopping. I like this Carl better than the one on the show. I think he is younger, more vulnerable. On the show he is adolescent. The only thing more in danger than an infant during the apocalypse is a teen.

This issue I couldn’t stop reading and had to order the next just to continue the story.

Once again I need to praise Kindle for making comics readable for those of us with older eyes that can’t read the paper version.

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The Walking Dead Vol. 7: The Calm BeforeThe Walking Dead Vol. 7: The Calm Before by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Well, the title of this one tells it all. The Calm Before… Very little tension, often boring.

A lot happens including birth and suicide. Very different than what happened on the show. I rarely say this about books. But the show is so much better! Still, I love seeing the original and how it all happened ‘for reals’.

I’ve been reading these graphic novels through Kindle Unlimited. And I love the Kindle version better than the paper because I can double-tap the frame and enlarge it so I can see the artwork and fonts better. AND if the font still isn’t large enough I can reverse pinch it.

Can’t wait for the next one!

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 6: This Sorrowful LifeThe Walking Dead, Vol. 6: This Sorrowful Life by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Gruesome! That’s the first word that came to mind about this particular volume. Okay, sure. I know this is about the end of the world and zombies and all. But the horrid things that happen to people at the hands of other people. Ugh!

Look, I know there are bad people out there and they do awful things and if the world ends that may be one of the biggest issues we would have to worry about. Not the monsters, but who do we trust to take care of others rather than use this chaos as their own ladder. (Nod to Little Finger of Game of Thrones.)

As I usually compare the show to the book, I am shocked that once again that I appreciate how all this was depicted on the show more. The governor gets his payback good and square. Michone shows her stuff. But as the title of this particular issue states: This Sorrowful Life. Yeah. What a sad state of affairs our friends are in.

As ugly as it got, I can’t wait to read more in the series. I love reading the comic on my Fire or on my tablet as I can zoom in on pictures and tiny font. Glad I could obtain a copy through Kindle Unlimited. What a fun way to explore more books than I can possibly afford!

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Children's book: The Recycling Party: A happy book that turns cycling into a celebrationChildren’s book: The Recycling Party: A happy book that turns cycling into a celebration by Anat Gonen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Safety issues aside. This could be a good book to start talking about recycling. Regardless that the text speaks of a yellow bottle that isn’t in the accompanying picture. Imagination and fantastic artwork make this book worthwhile. It felt like collage-work with paints.

Children don’t play with Tim cans without an adult and talks of keeping safe. Kids can’t ride a Coke bottle like a train. But let’s talk about glass and dangers. I would have rather not had text as it wasn’t needed and often confused the pictorial story.

There were suggestions teachers and parents could use to help the students learn ways to recycle nearly everything. Recycling can become an exciting way of life.

Though I found the text inconvenient, this book is worth it for the artwork and ideas that one can glean with proper adult supervision.

By the way, I was gifted this book for an honest review.

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The Walking Dead: The Best Defense (The Walking Dead, #5)The Walking Dead: The Best Defense by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Most of the time I like a book far more than a show. But in this case… Without giving spoilers may I say this is far more gruesome and I’m not talking about the zombies. They are equally yucky.

The governor is far worse. There, I’ve said it.

And I fear the author was a young nerd at the time and not aware that women were made for more than rape and abuse. I’m glad the show writers took more time and found other things to do with this particular part of the story. Maybe the author has learned that half his audience would like him better for taking a slightly different point of view.

Another point for comics on Kindle! It is far better to be able to close in on the artwork or the fonts that I wouldn’t be able to read in the paper copy. This is how I will read the rest of the series as I can with Kindle Unlimited.

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Not waiting until the last day of the month. Luckily this is May and there are 31 days! 🙂 Here’s my May project Empty first then color-penciled (noun becomes a verb!).






This guy was fun to work with. Imagine a colorful feathered dragon!

Here’s next month’s dragon (butterfly dragon?):

Thank you, Linda G. Hill, for this fun challenge!




Okay, since this is supposed to be a stream, I will let my head go and let the fingers follow.

Art. Art and Music were always my favorite subjects in school. I can’t imagine getting through school without them. And you want to know something funny? I always felt the teachers gave me ‘A’s in those classes because they felt sorry for me.

That is silly to think it now because I rarely got lower than ‘C’s. If I flunked everything I could understand that thought process but that wasn’t the case. In fact, I dumbed down in school as I was afraid to stick out as a nerd or smartypants.

The classes I did worse in were Geometry and Fourth year Art. Geometry just never made sense to me. More about that later. The Art class I nearly flunked? I was in ninth grade. It was because of the high grades previously that they put me into senior Art. That would have been exciting but without having that teacher before I found the class confusing.

First of all, we didn’t ever do art. It was a daily class of taking notes the teacher wrote on the board. My mom was proud of me qualifying for that class but I complained about it every day. She told me to stick it out. The grade would result from handing in the notebook of notes at the end of the semester. I wanted to draw or learn to paint. I got the note to take home that I was failing the class. I had to stay after school every day to do the note-taking. Ended up I got a ‘C’. And I’d like to say I didn’t learn anything. But I learned a lot about perspective and actually can still see some of my notes with illustrations in my head. The teacher was crazy and often spoke of meeting space aliens. That should have been fun for me as I’m a sci-fi fan from way back. But he harped on it so often that I was worried about people being taken. Distractions from art.

Just a quick note. I squeaked by with a ‘D’ in Geometry. Once again daily after school with a lot more help. One of the smarty nerds tried to help me. The teacher tied to help me. I still don’t get it. I loved Algebra. But that class did me in! Glad they didn’t flunk me.

Remember how I said I can still see pages of the notebook from that Art class way back then? That is a common theme of how I have remembered things all my life. In classes, as I take notes (notice present tense) I would draw in the margins or even try to make my notes as illustrated as possible. Any doodle will do, though. Somehow I could remember the page of notes by the pictures I drew. Even in college, even if I take a class online now, drawing helps me remember.

Another memory thing I’ve discovered lately is when I am knitting something it seems to connect to that cellular memory. Well, I guess that is what it is. Does it happen to you? When I pick up the project the next day I can remember what I was watching or what conversations I was having when I last touched it. I think that is my art memory popping up. When I see that project finished in other times I still feel the memory. Weird?

In my Music History class in college, I found another kind of art helped me. I have never been very good with names and dates of history classes. In this class, I found that if I made a story of the names and dates or terms I could get all the answers. It worked so well that my classmates would ask me to tell them the story before the test. They started getting better grades, too. The only example I can think of now had to do with the Hippodrome. I pictured Disney’s crocs and hippos dancing ballet and somehow that helped. The sad part is, I can remember the pictures of the story but not why I memorized them. So that only worked on the short term for tests. Storytelling is an art, too.

The same visual effects worked for memorizing piano music. I could see cartoon cats chasing cartoon mice across the keys.

Just working on Escapist Coloring for Linda’s other fun blogging adventure, brings that art memory back.

Am I the only one this arty thing happens to? This makes me think. Since my grandmothers, both died of Alzheimer’s, I hold a huge fear of this disease. Maybe I need to start doing a lot more art to keep that part of my brain working. How does it help old people that have it? Are there studies out there about this?

On an aside, I find when I play oldies but goodies I feel the feeling of those bygone days. I’ve told my people that if I get the big “A” play those for me from the ’60s and ’80s to making wake the brain.

SO… I hope you didn’t need a canoe to go with me down this Stream. And I certainly got a lot of Jot out of it. Hope it was good for you.

Thanks to Linda G. Hill for #Just Jot It January and #Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

50 Loom Knitted Stuffed Animal Pattern Collection50 Loom Knitted Stuffed Animal Pattern Collection by Scarlett Royale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is kept for its reference capabilities. I have not made every animal in the book. But I have made enough to know that I am happy to have the book.

One of the problems I have with the book is that sometimes the patterns can be confusing and there are a few errors. But the best part of this book is the links to the tutorials. They take you right to the YouTube teaching how to make what you want to make. My latest is the snowman, that looks so cute! And it had very little sewing.

I would like to someday get the paper version so I don’t have to be on the computer while making these little cuties. But in the meantime, this will do!

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Toys Meet Snow: Being the Wintertime Adventures of a Curious Stuffed Buffalo, a Sensitive Plush Stingray, and a Book-loving Rubber Ball (Toys, #4)Toys Meet Snow: Being the Wintertime Adventures of a Curious Stuffed Buffalo, a Sensitive Plush Stingray, and a Book-loving Rubber Ball by Emily Jenkins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Some books offer depth or poetry. I hate to admit that the story here is overdone. But the pictures make up for it. Unfortunately, I don’t think this book would have gotten home. I think my kids would have liked it but would have left it to be reshelved. As an adult, I appreciate the artwork and would love to have it around to practice drawing/coloring some of these illustrations. It is through that aspect that I give it four stars.

Maybe kids that don’t live where it snows would find this interesting? I wish I could say more about this. I’m sure other love this and I’m just missing something here.

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