Tag Archive: Barbra Streisand

Medical Monday

I’m tired. I had an appointment at 11:30 in La Pine. That’s an hour and a half away. So I set my alarm for 8:30. Kali had a different thought. She was waking me every few minutes from 6 o’clock on. I went to bed early, 12:30, just to make sure I’d get my 8 hours. Yeah. That happened.

I chose to do the trip alone. It had been a long time since I got the chance to sing with Barbra Streisand. Alone. Babs and I had a great time. Hardly noticed the pain of roads that needed work and the jarring of my back. What I noticed is that she can hold a note far longer than she used to. Okay, I realize it is quite the reverse. I can use more work on my breath. I need to sing more. Period.


When I got to the clinic, I called as requested to let them know I was in
the parking lot. I felt pretty good as I was there a good 15 minutes early.
They said they were horribly embarrassed as they didn’t know when they set up the
appointment that this Monday, and it NEVER happens, but the doctor is actually
in Bend. Well, Barbra didn’t mind my caterwauling, we could go another half
hour. That worked for them, and they were overly apologetic and planned to
rearrange appointments and lunches to fit me in if I’d do the drive. Google
driving instructions got me to the office.

I watched the procedure. I find medical things like stitches, shots, and the
like fascinating. One of my spots on my arm, I could watch the whole thing. It
was cancer blah, blah, blah in situ. That calls for a cryo– oh, here is the

Cryotherapy. Cryotherapy, or cryosurgery, is a freezing technique used to
remove sunspots and some superficial BCCs. The doctor, usually a dermatologist,
sprays liquid nitrogen onto the sunspot or skin cancer and
a small area of skin around it. This causes a burning or
stinging sensation, which lasts a few minutes.

But honestly, this is how I saw it: The doctor deadened the spot with a
couple pokes. Then he took a woodburning tool and burned the bad skin off. A
swipe and cleaning then once more burning the cancer skin. Then clean and a
tiny Band-Aid. I had another in the middle of my back, but, of course, I
couldn’t watch it. It was all done far before I finished the paperwork. The
deadening needle vaguely hurt, and it did its job fast.

Now, at home, having had a nap, I’m feeling great. What a fun day for me,
lf, and I, with Ms. Streisand. When I go to these two towns with my
husband, brother, or son, I usually chose the music we can agree on. Babs
doesn’t get the respect she needs from the males in my house!

A thought struck me as I skipped this song, what happened to Yentl when she went to America. Wouldn’t you love to see part 2?


Oh how I hate how block wants to come in and mess up everything I worked on. If you see the mismatched paragraphs and words cut off, blame block! UGH! Trying to post this the third time and whatever it is stays!

NaNo Word Count–Kate

After a full day of playing with a random number generator to pick characteristics from my favorite NaNoWriMo book Building Believable Characters by Marc McCutcheon

I have now build Kate into a character that is nearly breathing. I put the characteristics into Google and this is who they thought matched.

Babs or Cher, much younger. Kate is 25. And a bit chunkier though nowhere near fat. It is fun to play the random number game when trying to make a person. I am trying to do a character a day. Liz, April, and Kate are the main three from the first section of the book.

Violet popped up in the second section and I love her spirit but have no idea what she looks like. I need to work or her next. I’m thinking she is about 16 years old. Just discovering who she is and she is about to get huge!

Word count blossomed without any fuss today. 9,381 Today’s goal was to be 8335, so… I’m jazzed. Nothing like playing in another world while the one you live in is so full of angst!

Remember how we all talked about dogs and the zoomies the other day? I wonder if they are having a cathartic reaction to something in their lives. I love a good dance it out (when no one is looking), a quick run around the yard (again when no one is looking–I hope).

It is too bad we all so close to our neighbors. I think a good scream it out or sing at the top of our lungs would be quite cathartic for all of us. It seems the only time I can do that is on a car trip by myself. Me and Babs doing Yentl or other Broadway musicals can bring me back to me.

Sometimes baking bread will do it with the punching down the dough. I think any physical burst of energy can pull out a lot of emotions without spending tons on psychiatrists and meds.

Another thing I love to do is watch shows like Beaches. That good cry at the end can clear out the cobwebs.

Lately, and this is a bit embarrassing to me, (wow! look above at all the cathartic embarrassments!) if I’m feeling a lot of hopelessness about the world, especially the rulers of the world (notice how vague that is!) I love watching non-stop disaster movies. The plots are similar, stupid rulers making stupid decisions for their own good and scientists that are being paid to find certain answers with no regard to truth, then the rulers say not to panic, which in turn becomes panic. Those we relate to live through it all or are emotional heroes.

And right now it seems knitting and binging horror/weirdness shows get me by until I can dance it out again.

Well, even writing this was cathartic. Thank you, Linda and Enthralling Journey

Hello, Gorgeous: Becoming Barbra StreisandHello, Gorgeous: Becoming Barbra Streisand by William J. Mann

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was not my favorite biography of Barbra Streisand, but I couldn’t stop reading all the same. It was different than others I have read in that it helped me see more of her time between being a new singer and the finish of Funny Girl. Being the fangirl I am for Babs, I can never get enough of her. She still mystifies us all with her abilities and talents. Thank you, William J. Mann for delving into this unique life for the rest of us.

I picked this up for free from Kindle Unlimited. It is still KU free. It is only $2.99 for those who can afford it.

View all my reviews


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