Tag Archive: broken toe

For a while now my son and I have wanted to go into Bend (two hour drive) to shop and to visit the last Blockbuster video store.

Many times we have planned it and things happened that kept us from it. Last night we were sure that today would be the day. Then, a year after breaking my right pinky toe I rammed my left pinky toe into the coffee table. Yep, broken. But I refused to let it stop me. I needed to get out of the house and see something besides these four walls. Even if we couldn’t do all that we wanted to, we did go to town. I wrapped my toe. That foot isn’t needed in our automatic truck. We’d just have to stay safe and take it easy.

We hit Target and Best Buy. Then the most important part of the trip, Blockbuster Video. During lock-down we saw the movie on Netflix. I couldn’t wait.

It certainly brought back memories. If my toe wasn’t hurting I think I might have taken more time to get some memorabilia. There seemed to be a lot of business so I don’t think it is going away. I look forward to our next visit.

Regardless of IF/keto I went ahead and had Del Taco. For lunch I do the 8-layer burrito with no beans or rice, extra guacamole, extra sour cream, extra cheese. I also ordered for my dinner a spicy jack quesadilla and a small fry. That’s bending it a bit but since it doesn’t happen but once in a few months I think that is fine.

My son was having a bit of problems with his digestion so he wasn’t having a good day either. Still with masks we hit all the stores including Walmart. I got a new pair of PJs and he found all the things he needed to buy.

The highlight of the trip was the Blockbuster. The trip itself was beautiful. The weather was perfect and the scenery gorgeous. Hopefully. we will remain healthy and get to go again soon. There were so many things I wanted to do but the toe was having none of it.

For many reasons my writing goals have slipped. Today I officially lowered my goal to a possibly more reachable realm, 25K instead of 50K. I still like the story, I just don’t want to overwhelm my senses with something that won’t be fun to reach. I would rather have to chance to go do outings and hit all my fun new musical goals than get discouraged in any way.

I will probably do Duolingo after publishing this and spend a little recorder time. Writing and piano will have to wait until tomorrow. I’m tired!

Stream of Consciousness Saturday

End Of Summer

Looking back over this summer I realize it was comparatively mild. Not that my body could tell with temps more than a hundred often on days that weather crept up to over a hundred. But most days my fever was lowish 98-99 degrees and our climate was in the high 80s and low 90s for the most part. And so far, knock on sagebrush, our smoke has been lighter than a lot of other places on the west coast.

Many of you already know that the dentist took out my infected tooth on Monday the 24th. There were plenty of built-up worries. I’ve been anxious about it since early March when all they could do was a quick temporary filling. Pain and fevers kept me thinking COVID19 when I knew it was the tooth. So six months later getting that irritation out of my life seemed something to look forward to. But I have dentophobia. I had so many teeth removed as a kid to make room in my mouth. Yeah, that worked! <–Sarcasm

Not me. Pixabay.com

The night before the procedure was to happen, I had forgotten my Kindle charger in the living room. I had just settled in bed ready for my nightly read. The battery was so low I wouldn’t have made it through a page. So I jumped up and went to the bedroom door. Just as I got there, I stubbed my baby toe on a furniture leg. I heard the crack. I stood with a silent scream until I could get myself under control. The run for the charger became a limp. I manage to get back to bed and read myself to sleep. All the while realizing that since I knew I had broken that toe before, there might be a problem with fixing it myself. And now I had one more exposure risk as I knew I had to go to Urgent Care AGAIN. I had just gone two weeks before as the infected tooth was unbearable. That time I got a stronger antibiotic. Which worked! And we learned about the car having computer problems.

So, the story within a story, It takes about an hour and a half to get to the town where the Urgent Care is. When almost there, our car just stopped. We got a jump from a passing Department of Transportation employee (Thank you!). Got to UC and saw the doctor. An abscess was the diagnosis. The whole UC experience was fantastic and made me feel safe from the entrance until I left. Got back into the car and it wouldn’t start. Had to phone a guy who charged $65 to give us a jump. We started to pull out of the parking place and stalled out again. This time he didn’t make us pay for the charge of the battery.

We needed to pick up my prescription but the car issues already had me nervous. Got to Bi-Mart and my husband dropped me off to go pick it up, he’d go see about keeping the car running. That was a nightmare for me. I realize now that I could have gone to the outside window. But I thought that was for folks who were regular customers. So I went in like before COVID19. I had my mask on. But the store was crowded. Granted everyone had on masks. But towards the pharmacy, they were unable to keep a distance. The clerk needed to ask the pharmacist something and told me to stand aside. The next clerk asked the next person in line to come up. Social Anxiety reared its ugly head and I was panicked. There was no safe space for me. I walked around to another row and tried to cool off. Finally, they called on me. I didn’t even flinch when I paid $75 for the drugs and hightailed out of the store.

Outside the store, I sat on a provided bench to try and get myself together. A guy came and sat right next to me. I grabbed my stuff and nearly ran to the end of the store and hid behind the bicycle rack. I sat on the ground against the wall. I got ready to call my husband but my friends were online. I dumped on them and they were terrific in calming me down. Finally, I got my husband on the phone and he managed to get back. I was embarrassed to tell him where I was but he heard the shakiness in my voice and let me know he would be there in a minute. He was.

Then we went to Les Schwabb’s. Another place I felt safe. The tested battery and alternator and found both in good condition. Their diagnosis was computer glitch.

Which brings us back to the 24th. We didn’t take the car. We took the truck. No AC but it was a cool enough day it was okay with the windows down.

The dentist was kind and gave me lots of Novocain. He put up with my body shaking like a teacup chihuahua. Tooth gone. Blood oozing through cotton and mask.  Now on to Urgent Care.

I bet they saw ebola as I came in. But in the deadened mouth-speak I told them extraction. They took my temp which was well below 98. And diagnosis, broken toe. duh. Toe buddy-wrapped and in Frankenstein boot, new gauze and mask I was able to leave. Anxiety levels were doable. And I wished I had time to go play in stores like the dollar store but by now I was tired. The trip on a good day wears me out. It takes nearly a week to have energy again. That’s why none of you have heard much from me for a while.

Okay, that’s my stream. If anyone is grading I hope I get over a hundred. I like that extra credit, high achiever that I am.



2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “more than a hundred.” Write your post inspired by something you have more than a hundred of in your home right now. Enjoy!


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