Tag Archive: Caribbean

Immutable (Ripple Series Book 5)Immutable by Cidney Swanson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once again, I am sad. I am nearing the end of a great series. It has been so much fun to read the Rippler series by Cidney Swanson. You may remember her name from the Mars series I went so crazy about.

The Rippler series isn’t space travel but I consider it to be sci-fi rather than fantasy as the condition that causes one to ripple into invisibility is caused by a certain gene, as I understand it. Scientists discover these genes and work with a multitude of medications to control the side effects and or the people that are able to vanish. As in all groups of people there are good scientists and bad/evil scientists. The results push the main characters and plot of this series.

What I don’t yet do like about this series is that even though you have the oldies but goodies from former books, each book or so introduces a new point of view. The reason I like it is because you can travel to new places and see things you might not have had Ms. Swanson kept the same main character for all the adventures. I like getting to know characters in their depth so that is why I don’t like a new character every time. I know, I’m hard to please. 🙂

At any rate, what I am left with is a case of wonderment. What if one could go invisible, hide in walls or in plain sight? What if one could read another’s thoughts? And how fun would it be to hitch a ride in an airplane anywhere in the world by hiding in the wall? And not only can you be invisible, but you can fly! Or you can take a dip in the ocean with a school of dolphins and not get wet or cold. These are just a few adventures the main characters have in this series.

I’d say try either the Rippler series or the Saving Mars series if you want to have some fun.

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Review: Placencia

Placencia by C.A. Clemmings
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I was given this story free for an honest review. Thank you, C.A. Clemmings.

First what I loved: I loved feeling I was on the beach in the Caribbean. I felt I was on a grand vacation. I loved the main character and the people she meets.

Okay, second, what I didn’t like. That it is a short story. Ergh! Next to cliffhangers in my list of dislikes (hates?). I barely get to know the characters and have hints as to what makes them tick and the story is over. What happens next? Will this relationship end? will another begin? Can we live in Placencia, please, please, please? And make sure you have your white bathing suit!

This was fun as long as it lasted. 🙂

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