Tag Archive: CBS Sunday Morning

A to Z Challenge, Z

Zoom has been disappointing for me lately. For some reason, I don’t get to see my friends or the church service. I’m able to hear everything.

That’s the bad news. The good news was watching all the Zoo shows this weekend. I love those.

Speaking of zoos and animals, I was passionate about a certain segment on the CBS Sunday Morning Show.

It inspires me to try and write nature music. It might cause some
I hope for a little of both!

Sunday Sunshine

If I haven’t stated it before. I love CBS Sunday Morning. I always find something that makes me happy or educates me. This segment was so enlightening.

Another favorite segment was this man of passion I met in the movie White Knights.

And just in case you never saw White Knights, which I don’t think they mentioned:

This was probably my favorite part. What passion shows in these two men as they perform!

There was so much more to the show this morning that I would have to drive you to YouTube a lot. But there are segments on YT that you can see of Jim Croce’s son, a Little Shell, and of course, the moment of zen that my husband and I look forward to and regret as it means the show is over for the week.

Sunday Funday

It has been a fantastic Sunday. I know to most of you it sounds boring. But I did my usual Zoom service, CBS Sunday Morning, and then for most of the day I watch some Galaxycon Live. Then The Walking Dead and Talking Dead. The whole time I am just knitting. I was nearly finished with the brim of a hat but made a mistake and had to frog. So now I am trying out a different stitch for the brim.


Sounds like my usual Sunday, doesn’t it? It was sunny but that breeze is still cold. 

Best of all I got to talk to my son! He had some pretty exciting news that I don’t know if I can share. But regardless of the news, I was just happy to hear from him. I can’t wait until we can all see each other again! By the way, we get out vaccines tomorrow, all in my house. So by tomorrow night at this time shot one will be checked off the list. Then in a month we get our second. Yeah, Moderna.

Sunday Funday, Mostly

After enjoying  CBS Sunday Morning, and may I say I am a Cindy McCain fan now. I mosied over to my Zoom service. I have missed the last few weeks. How does one miss a Zoom service when you don’t have to dress up and be somewhere? Well, one does have to wake up on time. And I haven’t lately. So it was fun and informative. I was convinced to order this book on Audible.

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

Isabel Wilkerson (Goodreads Author),
Robin Miles (Narrator)
Then I spent the rest of the day knitting and watching free live Galaxycons that I had signed up for earlier. I found I will watch any of them, even shows I never cared for, as I love hearing the people talk about their times, learning about following their passions of acting. I even watched one about Goofy and Mickey Mouse voices and the Little Mermaid’s stars. Here is one of their commercials. Maybe the ones talking aren’t who you are interested in, but go in and see if they have some convention stars you might like to know more about.


So I put off this blog hoping to show you that I had completed a pair of socks. And though that is true, what I found at the latest sock was larger than the first one. After another count of pegs, I saw I had miss counted hence the larger-sized one. Now I have the decision to frog the big one and put it on the smaller-counted pegged arm of the CinDWood X-loom. Or Frog both and start over on another couple looms. OR make two more socks on the same two arms of the loom that the ones I just finished came off of giving me two pairs, one bigger than the other like this time. Decisions, decisions! I like the one sock. I don’t want to frog it. I hate working on the big loom, so I dread knitting two more socks on it. I think I can handle one more, so that is what I will do. Frog the big put on the lessor pegs, and hopefully, I will be done with the smaller pair soon.

Let the frogging begin!

leaf umbrella

Cyber Sunday

Sunday is a special day of the week for me, thanks to technology. A 3 AM bedtime means my day starts at 10ish. I turn on the laptop and run and get my toast and coffee (or tea). By the time I’ve taken out the dog and set up my bubble sitting, I am ready to place the laptop on the footrest of the recliner and the plate on my lap. No, I don’t stick my feet out. I sit in a chair, in half-lotus, as that is far more comfortable and keeps my stocking feet warmer. On frigid mornings, I throw my electric lap warmer (Thank you, Rizza 💜) over me before setting up the computer and breakfast.

Now I go to church. No camera on, I may or may not have brushed my hair yet. And who wants to watch me eat? The church is a Zoom meeting of Unitarian Universalist is in Reno, Nevada. When I lived there, I only went a handful of times. I used to be into the weekly get up, get dressed up, especially when my children were small. But now that I can go in comfort in my own time and clothing. I can sing with the congregation as I choose. No stand up, sit down, thank you very much, my coffee is great.

The last few weekends, I have been enjoying different stars showing up for Galaxycon.com.

The above was one of my favorites. Though I am double or triple her age, I relate to her life story a lot. And she is a writer. I picked up her latest book:

Amazon link

By the way, I had a free credit, so I got it on Audible. So Felicia is going to read it to me.


She also suggests her favorite book about screenwriting:

Amazon link 

Today I got to meet Michael Biehn of the Mandalorian and this afternoon Jessica Jones’ stars:

  • Krysten Ritter “Jessica Jones”
  • Wil Traval “Will Simpson”

Both cons were fun. By the way, many of these are free live. You only have to give your email address to send the confirmation and URL to get to the interview. If like me, life gets in the way, your computer glitches, you can still click on the confirmation within 24-48 hours to watch a taped version. And many can be found later on the YouTubes. Here’s an example of what I am going to watch later on tonight:

Once again. Going to a con is something I don’t think I would do. I know this is going to sound weird, but I can’t deal with costumes and masks. One of my best friends LOVES this kind of thing. I certainly enjoy it through her. And the mask issue is still an issue during COVID19. I wear one if I need to. I love it when you wear one around me. It shows you care. But I need to see lips and gesticulations to understand people talking to me. And Halloween scares me. Haunted houses scare me. I always worry that a real crazy person with real weapons will be there. And I HATE when folks jump out to scare me.

When the lockdown ends, and all things go back to live events, I will be, once again, the fair-weather friend that probably won’t be there. When the pains started, I had to bow out of writer’s meetings and board games meetings, or, yeah, the church; I’d ask to be Skyped in, but everything virtual was still new and uncomfortable. I hope that people will still do things like this. My eyes can’t drive nights, I can’t take flu shots for being allergic to the base (nearly died), and pain often keeps me from doing things I want to do. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to be a part of the meets. I’m sure I am not alone in hoping the zooming continues.

And the Tubes have great bits of help for people like me who are learning to edit their novels:

Oh, I forgot to say the other Sunday thing, and I think you all know what I’m going to say CBS Sunday Morning. My favorite part is the moment of zen at the end. By the way, YouTube has the full lineup of the show. Happy Birthday to my friend Yve and to PBS. And now:


NaNo Update/Word Count

Wow! It took me all day to finally get to the writing. I had wanted to do another character development. But the snow and distractions of the day kept me from the actual book part. I really didn’t get anything I planned done. I didn’t plan on a sink of dishes, which usually doesn’t happen around here because everyone takes care of their own dishes. But I got there to make my lunch and rather than sit and wait for my veggie patty and quesadilla to microwave, I did them. Kudos me!

I think my biggest distraction was this:

Front yard, back yard. We thought it was done. And even though the temperature was 28 degrees, the snow was melting in the driveway and street. But suddenly we got more.

Oh, but there was CBS Sunday Morning, which we didn’t get to until about 2:30 PM. I had caught the UU service on Zoom earlier. Meandered the stations while waiting for my husband to be free to watch the Sunday Morning and found Nightmare Before Christmas. I already watched it on Halloween but I love the music so I let that play while I knitted a hat. (I think that one will be finished tomorrow)

Of course, it isn’t Sunday without Zombies. So we watched last week’s Talking Dead, then this week’s Fear of the Walking Dead and Walking Dead World Beyond. I don’t know. I love the Talking Dead the best. I like the making of any show better than the show. It is when you see how much goes into a show that it stops being something you can judge and becomes a work of art. Make-up, cameras, directors, actors, all pulling together to make something to eat popcorn to. Humbling isn’t it. I would give you a review of these but I am reserving that until I see where the two series are going.

So finally, I was ready to write. The living room was so cold, even with the little radiant heater on 6, the highest, and me in my three layers, I didn’t think I could wiggle my fingers enough to warm up. So I took my stuff (it takes two trips!), to the bedroom and got set up in here. I hate sitting on my bed. It is an uncomfortable desk or place to knit. But it is warmer. We put on Pandora and played Celtic Women station. It is the best music to have in the background. Peppy and I don’t know the words so I don’t end up singing and not typing or typing the words into the story.

Today’s scene was on Haven. Since I am reading the first book a little at a time to my writing group, I am reliving my first characters landing there. So my newest character, who can now dragon, popped to Haven and is learning about the zoo and wishes and about the healing there. I learned so much more about Einstein the gorilla who can do sign language. And I never knew Fuzzy Wuzzy the elephant could fingerspell with the best of them. Oh, and he loves to read! Who knew? His favorite books are Dumbo, of course! And Haven helps him to fly! And

The Elephant Whisperer (Young Readers Adaptation): My Life with the Herd in the African Wild Lawrence Anthony  I’d never read it. I decided I need to know what my elephant character know so I bought the audio version with a credit. It sounds really good!

Then Violet met someone I never met in the zoo on Haven before: Ethel (I think will be her name) the giant tortoise. She communicates very slowly and Violet has to concentrate very hard so as not to be rude. She actually finds that this reptile can calm her brain and they fall in love with each other’s spirits.

Then, of course, Violet is hungry and learns of Haven’s way of granting wishes.

So much more. As you know the goal is to write 1,667 a day. The goal for today would be  13,336. The story was so much fun I manage 1,914 words bringing my total to date: 14,766. Yay! Me!

Look I know the frustration of sitting in front of the blank page and not getting any words. I know when that happened I type out gripes and complaints and whine. But this time, my characters are leading the way and I only have to type. Which is hard enough with fingers that forget to spell the easiest of words!

So now I am going to put the laptop away and listen to a book while knitting. Hopefully, I will get to sleep before 3AM!

Where Did the Day Go?


My first hat on the Flexee Loom. Just off the loom.

I used this method of decrease for the crown of the hat:

But with the Flexee loom, I could decrease further. I started with 80 pegs as the instruction for an adult hat on the enclosed page. I think that I should have made a few more rows to fit my size adult but I was anxious to see how it would work. So I did all the decreases per the video then moved the loops around to remove links of two every other grouping. In the first case, it was all the lighter color links. Then I did the decreases from the beginning with the video again. Again, at the end, I move the stitches around so as to remove every other link. I followed the video one more time and this time finished as Kristen suggests. I love how the crown looks.

Ah, look at the time! I think we are heading for Monday. I barely remember watching Sunday Morning.  Hence the answer to #WDIIA and #WTIIA.

I think it is Sunday. The day and date faded in and out all day leaving me wondering.

We did watch CBS Sunday Morning. I remember having tears and laughter as the show progressed between the deaths of the famous and Jim Carrey’s humor. The most impressive moments of the show were these:


But as with most shows these days, a lot centered around COVID19 and our new normal.

I knitted my day away. We actually finishing Independence Day Resurgence. I didn’t find it so awful as I had the first time I watched it. And my husband and I found interesting faces and storylines that seemed not to tie in as they should. Come to find out there is a book (Independence Day: Crucible) that should be between the two movies. So I ordered it. I will try to read it when finished with this Outlander (at chapter 117 of 142-?)

The ID2 story seems more to ring true with COVID19’s global threats. Never in my lifetime do I remember having so much in common with other countries. Sure we lived through the ducking beneath our desks in case a bomb hit. Like that would ever help. But we were very young and the in-class movies showed us the importance.

Then we had an assassination of an actual president, that we most loved. In our protestant house, there was fear of him. My parents hated that I was glued to the set as Catholic services and movies kept the sadness front and center of everyone’s minds. But I don’t remember much about how the world handled it. It was mostly global in our heads.

How about the moon landing? That was massive. But was it? It was USA landing and claiming. Sure we connected in country but maybe that wasn’t as global as we thought.

So as a reverse independence day started occurring in March, as our social groups grew smaller our minds seemed to see farther than we have, well, at least in my lifetime. On the movie Independence Day, it was by Morse Code that we connected globally to attack the enemy. For twenty years the world stayed in harmony until the next threat of the alien beings tried to kill us all.

Do you think there will be a day as we fight the enemy that all countries will unite and kill the virus and we will be at peace? Will we find a happy ending to all this? This is far harder than shooting guns and flying spaceships. The enemy is unseen. So small most of us wouldn’t know what it looks like. We wear masks not to protect us but others. There is no shield we can hold up. It is only in seeing loved ones or people two degrees from us that we can see it not as a laugh but as serious as the insectoid/octopuslike aliens.

How odd to have something so deadly pointed at us and to stand weak, yet caring for others. The old adages of TV Westerns where the hero stands between the bandit and the loved one doesn’t apply. None of the rules of the games we have learned work for this. I know my mother and parents of we older boomers worried about the scum in ponds that could, in their minds, cause polio. But I don’t think that disease was as contagious as this. I know it was horrid. I remember stories. But I don’t remember meeting anyone who had it. I did meet a couple people later in life that had recovered from it with crutches and skinny legs. I was still too young to understand anything about it. We still got to go see our grandparents and go to church and school.

With the #WDIIA, we have a prompt that helps us to meander through our thoughts. Today, the day after Independence Day my thoughts see a tiny invisible thing that is more powerful than what Will Smith had to deal with. Today means that it is day 1 on fourteen days we who are more vulnerable have to stay isolated because others need their crowds. How many will die because you need to party? Couldn’t a day of introspection of how we won our Independence and the lines left for us, “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” be better than beer and hotdogs? Isn’t my life as important as your need to carry a gun?

Okay, that was a lot of wandering around. I know others can say all this so much better than I. But I needed to say it. And now it is nearly Monday #WTIIA

Where Did Sunday Go?

I remember watching Sunday Morning. Then the day is a blur of finishing two more scrubbies and one more scrubbing washcloths. I have listened to Outlander 7 (An Echo in the Bone). It may well be my favorite and I don’t want to stop. So this is me, checking in to say ‘Hi’ and hope you are all doing well.

Sunday Is the Answer

Hey, look. I’m here at nine and the computer is working properly. I don’t know why it gets so glitchy the closer to midnight it gets.

Most of the day I listened to the audio of The Stand. It is interesting to see the story in depth. The characters still remain the ones on the older series. Molly Ringwold, etc. I do understand the crazier ones through the book. Yet I am only at 68%. Five more days until it is due to go back to the library.

Meanwhile, I’m following this tutorial to make myself some scrubby washrags.


No, I haven’t received my flex-skinny yet. I’m using my old broken Hers of the KB His Hers sock loom. I like how they feel in my hands. I’m working on two other pairs of socks, two hats, and a couple toys. I do what hurts my hands least.

I still haven’t gotten my crafty things done or the socks to my daughter and her beau.

Oh, before I started reading my hubby and I watch Ad Astra. I think I would have liked the book better. Another sci-fi for the guys.

Still, it was fun to watch it together.

It was a gorgeous day here. Just right. Just enough breeze to ripple the flag. Kali and I enjoyed ‘outside’ just standing or sitting and feeling free.

CBS Sunday Morning was touching. As was the UU Zoom meeting. I’m rather sad that Sunday is nearly over.

Wow! Look at that! A whole blog without the frustration of my computer being slower than snail mail!

I hope you all had a good day. Find your quiet zen moments if you can. And



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