Tag Archive: Cee’s Photography

Share Your World March 5, 2018

What did you or did not like about the first place you lived without your parents?

Really? Everything! I lived in a small town four hours from my parents. Yes, I shared it with my husband, but I felt so grown up. It was a big apartment. Two bedrooms. Huge living room. Open kitchen so that I could be a part of things while cooking or washing up. Oh, there may be my negatives. That husband thought in very ancient terms. But the place was beautiful and modern. Not something I love now, but then it spelled freedom and maturity! Oh, yeah, in your twenties a tiny town with only one blinking stoplight and nothing for youth to do, was BORING. But we learned to be adventurers. We drove to nearby towns. Or that four hours to see all the family and friends left behind. Then SO happy to be back in my own apartment.

What is your most favorite smell/scent?

Ocean. Oh if that could be bottled! The second best is forest, camping, campfire smells. Near the ocean–Heaven!

Would you prefer snowy winters, or not, and why?

Since we are retired, the snow is beautiful outside. Sometimes we take walks in it. I have to admit to loving watching the snow and seeing the scenery clean and fresh with white linen. In fact, around here, if there isn’t snow it is SO much colder. Like minus numbers colder. Without the snow, that is just misery!


What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination.

What I appreciate is having my license back. Not having the funds to get it renewed at the right time was devastating! But due to unfortunate events, I now have a truck and a license which I intend to relish and show gratitude in huge amounts. After all, who knows how much longer I will be able to drive? My grandfather made it into his 80’s I think, but others in my family didn’t make it that long. Now to find the funds to do some awesome road trips!

As usual, thank you, Cee, for Share Your World. A chance to look at life and share with others.



What would be your ideal fantasy way to spend Monday?

With all that has been going on with moving in my son, today we took the dog for a walk. It was fun to chat and stroll. Perfect Monday.

What one person that you are out of contact with would you like to say thank you to?

My grandmothers and aunts. Every one of them gave me gifts to be grateful for. My maternal grandmother was a spitfire a tiny giant. My paternal grandmother (who I think I look like most) a warm hospitable woman with a sense of humor that lasted far past her Alzheimer’s. My maternal aunts who taught me to knit, crochet, sew, and to want and love children. I think of them every day! My paternal aunts, one inspired my desire to learn German and encouraged me in ways I didn’t even realize until I got older. Another of my paternal aunts feels near all the time. Her sense of humor, like her mother’s and love that just never ended. Her daughter shines the same love.

There are so many other aunts and ALL my wonderful cousins–What you wanted ONE person? Can’t narrow it down!

Oh, and we haven’t started on friends… If this wasn’t so public I would mention each and every one. I love you all!

List your favorite toys or games as a kid?

Swimming pool. Does that count? Okay, pogo-stick, jacks, twirling on the bars at school, swinging, oh how I miss swinging. Hula hoop, biking, wiggle-waggle board, BOOKS,oh, and swimming. Other things I loved are pictured above.

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

Going through all the pictures of the games and toys made me smile. Thinking of my awesome life makes me smile.

Thank you Cee for this fun way to explore our worlds. Check out her site: Cee’s Photography.

Complete this sentence: I’m looking forward to….

Though the circumstances are rather sad (their father is very ill and they need to move him closer) I will get to see my offspring this week end as they move my oldest in to live with us. There goes my music/hobby room but I mostly work here in my bedroom. The piano will move into the living room. Even so I look forward to seeing everyone even for so short a time. Just praying the snow isn’t a problem. We’ve had weeks of fairly nice weather but the news is predicting winter weather in the next few days. After they are all safe and sound in their own homes the weather can do what it wants.

What is your favorite comfort snack food? 

With the stress of my ex being ill and worrying with my kids about their father and the next steps, I have been craving Pringles. Luckily there are none here so not able to binge. Yay! Me!

What was one of your first moneymaking jobs (other than babysitting or newspaper delivery)?

Well, that is the main thing I did as a teen and young adult. I have a lot of cousins so I was always babysitting. My first real job was as a cosmetologist. If it hadn’t been so painful for my back I would still be doing that as I loved the creativity of working with hair.

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

I shared yesterday the Heart to Heart answer to I can’t: “Show me the hard part.” These words not only can help a young child, but I think it meets the frustration in all of us.

Share Your World is the brain child of Cee’s Photography. Thanks!



Sorry to be late to the party. Share Your World is a Monday thing. To learn more about it go to Cee’s Photography. She had a ton of challenges and fantastic photos to boot!


Do you prefer a bath or shower?

When I was younger this kind of situation would make me drool. Deep long baths are so soothing. But our clawfoot is sitting up on a platform about a foot and a half. Getting in is difficult. After a long soothing bath it is impossible to get out–for me. After pulling the shower curtain down with me, I decided against those long spa treatments. Now it is a quickie in the small bathroom over the sink or a quick shower. UNTIL my shower in the small restroom is completed. Hopefully by the end of this week. Then showers become my second favorite.

What do you do to make a living or during the day? If you are retired what mostly occupies your day? Or if you are a student what are you studying?

Retired means finding your own rhythms and desires. If you have money that is a limitless dream. But on SSI it is tight. Still, I spend my days making comfort items for charities with donated yarns. Mostly I loom knit. I’m learning to do some needle felting. I spend some time on four languages on Duolingo. And I write and edit previous writings of 12 or 13 books. And lots of reading and binging on Netflix.

Is there a stuffed animal in your bedroom?

Since I do my knitting in my bedroom, this is an example of the stuffed animals in my bedroom. Or does the always hungry Rosey count as stuffed?

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

I think getting back into my blogging and getting to meet new people or learning more about my blogging friends has filled my heart with joy. You all are fantastic!

Linda G. Hill: Who could top your memory. Memory is a cold mother!



OMG! Wednesday was easy! I may need to work on some other things today! Coloring? Journaling? Editing? Color my hair! Ding ding ding! Time to do my hair and come back and color a picture while I decide what to do next.

Say, anyone having trouble with media/pictures? I can’t seem to access my pictures for WP. When I hit ADD+ the next one prompts choosing what’s there or saved. But when I select from my cloud which picture to use it all gets stuck. I have to hit refresh to get out of that pop-up. So these pictures are copied straight from Linda’s site. Yesterdays SYW was copied from Cee’s Photography. I don’t know if it show up or if it is ‘legal’. What can I do to make that work? It used to be easy.


Ever ran out of gas in your vehicle?

Not that I can remember. But I have been in cars when that happened. It is such a weird feeling to be going along toward a destination and suddenly the car stops. So inconvenient! I think that is how I learned never to let that happen. But I did stretch my luck quite often. Usually waiting to get to the station with the better priced gas.

Which are better: black or green olives?

Black olives are so yummy! Oh, but those stuffed green ones, with garlic or cheese or…okay I just love olives. This question sent me to the fridge thinking I had some. But it was a jar of mushrooms and they weren’t nearly as tasty! Boo!

If you were a great explorer, what would you explore?

Space. The final frontier. Or the ocean. Or caves. Heck, just my backyard, sometimes!

Quotes List: At least three of your favorite quotes?

“But how will I know what I want til I get what I want and I see if I like it?” Cinderella, Into the Woods by Stephen Sondheim.

“Books may well be the only true magic.” Alice Hoffman

“I read so I can live more than one life in more than one place.” Anne Tyler

“The greatest danger to our future is apathy.” Jane Goodall

There are so many more on my GoodReads pages. 18 pages so far…


Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Well, look, we are all still alive and well. Thursday my hubby sees the shoulder specialist and we’ll see what his next step is. He is still hurting pretty bad so I hope there is something they can do about it all.

Share Your World is brought to us by Cee’s Photography. Come join the fun!


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