Tag Archive: chaos

Since cataracts control my reading diet, and closing eyes to point won’t work for Audible books, I downloaded my next Kindle Unlimited book and went a few pages in to do the pointing. Here is the fantastic sentence I found. Sorry, chaos was the word but this! This is MARVELOUS! “Chaos will rot your plants and kill your dog and rust your bike.” This is from a book my friend, Michele, recommended, Why Fish Don’t Exist by Lulu Miller. With just this sentence I can hardly wait to read the book!

I remember the line from Game of Thrones, …’Chaos is a ladder…’

So, does that mean you pile up your plants, dog, and bike to climb? Ouch! Yet, that seems to be implied with chaos, right? Maybe a rusty bike could have a comfortable seat. The dog is dead, use the hide to make the seat usable? Compost the dead plants and squeak through the old neighborhood on that bike to find friends or food. They’ll hear you coming so hopefully they are friendly.

This stream is far from drained. It is NaNo after all. Yet my novel, Crystal, isn’t post apocalyptic. This imagery could fit in either Pandamapocalypse or Marine’s Mission. But maybe I can get a little ‘chaos theory’ mixed into Crystal’s world. It is a lot of craziness going on.

But this isn’t adding to my word count. Which is currently 9,096. That’s not too bad. But I wanted to stay a couple days ahead so I’m aiming for over 13K. So it was nice floating in the Stream but it’s needed elsewhere or there will be chaos in my soul!

Remember Crystal under pressure? Yeah.

Linda’s newest prompt:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “close eyes and point.” Grab the closest printed material to you when you sit down to write your post, open it up (if it’s a book, flyer, etc.), close your eyes, and point. Whatever your finger lands on, use that as your prompt. Have fun!

I started my morning glancing at The Sound of One Hand Typing and found his answers to the Share Your World questions provoking.

Here are the


What do you believe but cannot prove?

I just read and reviewed How to Die In Space. Wormholes were the thing Mr. Sutter said was the least likely item out there. Yet how would Star Trek, Farscape, or even Doctor Who get around without them? See? Case in point! They have to exist!

A little more serious. I do believe in the power of prayer. Not like I learned at church, but what I have absorbed metaphysically. When I pray, I feel I take the time to put my mind onto something or someone; I find the energy flows and have seen results. Often, I find my prayer worded so that I need to revise on occasions to be the most loving outcome for all. No, I cannot be the one that brought about the result. That means whether my hope went one way or the other, the result is out of my hands. Love is in charge. In that case, then, I believe, God/Goddess is love.

Do animals have morals?   Exclude human beings from the equation please. 

Here is the question that John Holton and I differ on. And from the mere observable point of view watching our cats. I suggest, like every group, there are terrific and rotten and variants between.

I had a cat who took in some other cat’s kittens. Kimberlina raised these kittens, caring for them like they were her own. With four kids in the house, she became mother number two. She would lead me to see naughtiness in the works. Many other cats we’ve had were not as morally beautiful. But in cat-world, we believe she was a saint.

Meet Kimberlina, Kimby for short. She’s the big one on the right. The kitten is a foster my son, not the one pictured, but the one who worked at a pet store brought home knowing Kimby would be good at taking care of it. Kimby came to us when she couldn’t even hold up her head. Her eyes were closed. We couldn’t find anyone with milk for her, so we used plain yogurt, and she seemed to like and thrive from it. We had her, I think, for 17 years. Through divorce and a million moves. (Exaggerate much?)

In fact, this very balcony was where she decided to see if she could fly. We were on the second story. Talk about scared! But the kids (who were late teens and early adults) found her and brought her home. She hid under my bed for a couple nights. One night I couldn’t handle it anymore. I whispered out to her. She came out. She shook it out. Jumped up on the bed with me and seemed just fine for another six years. Gosh, how we all miss her! It’s been 20 years, and we all still talk about her with tears just below the surface.

Thanks for the memories!

Is there inherent order in nature or is it all chaos and chance?

Wow! Nature prevails over the chaos and chance, I think. Chaos, like forest fires, may kill everything in the area, and yet before long new life exists in the burnt areas. Look at Chernobyl. Nature has managed what we humans haven’t. The above chaos is manmade. But hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, meteors, etc., can kill everything off, but Nature brings life back.

Where is your least favorite place in the world?

I’ve not been very far in the world. But I bet I can universally narrow this down. Offices full of cubicles. I can’t think of any I could ever handle again, no matter what country or planet it resides in. I have met some really awesome people in that work environment and am still friends with them. But I couldn’t survive another moment in that kind of place.

GRATITUDE SECTION (Participation Always Optional

Feel free to share something about the seasons that makes you smile!

Growing up in Southern California, we had Summer and warm everything else. So when we moved here in Outback Oregon, we have most of the seasons. I’m smiling at the upcoming summer is showing its face. The following is probably done for a while.

But this is today:

This last picture is the same mesquite bush that was full of snow in January’s picture. Sadly, we still need to drip water at night. But I was in T-shirt while taking the greenery above and only a little chilly. Yay! Warm is coming!


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