Tag Archive: chic-lit

Accidental Leigh (Literal Leigh Romance Diaries, #1)Accidental Leigh by Melanie James

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I guess I’m in a mood for these lighter-weight books. Maybe because my mind is working on the move and all that entails. So, yes, another silly, fun book. It had me laughing out loud. Premise? A wannabe writer wants a desk to get in the mood. The desk is cursed. Everything written on it comes true. And as we writers know, the easiest thing to write is erotica. But oops–a lot! The first couple to fall under a curse–oh, shoot, I feel that would be cheating if I told you. Needless to say, it starts out hilarious and keeps going.

Now it doesn’t end on a cliffhanger. It isn’t that kind of book. But it does make you want more. SO I am already about halfway finished with the next book. If you don’t mind, and maybe even like a little erotica, these books are for you. The situations Leigh gets herself into will keep you laughing and or wishing(?). Everyone needs a light read every now and then.

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TaxiTaxi by Sophia DeLuna

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Too short! But that is what I always say after reading a short story. It was just right for that time just before bed when I’ve just finished reading longer books. You know, not ready to go to sleep yet, and not wanting to get involved in another longer book. I hate when I start to read something and can’t remember the next day what I read so I have to start over. With a short story, you have the whole sweet tale to sleep on. So I guess I shouldn’t hate them. BUT I always want to know what happens next!

What is nice about this story is getting to be in another country in a taxi. You get to know the driver quite well during the story and learn about the passenger a bit. It was a fun read. I just wish the author, Sophia DeLuna would flesh it out into a full sized book. There is a lot here she could work with!

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KinflicksKinflicks by Lisa Alther

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was recommended by a GoodReads group I belong to.

Once, again, I finished a book when I wasn’t able to write the review. Now in the midst of the current read, I have to remember the feelings of the previous literary adventure.

Let’s work backward. I felt the ending left much to be desired. Even though this is a hefty novel, I wanted to know what happened next. Is it possible there is a part two out there?

Okay, now it is coming back to me. I remember this getting off to a slow start. I wanted to move on to other reads. But there was something about the main character that had me curious to see what this was all about.

Oh, and the problem of POV and changing from first to third person. Argh! I couldn’t figure it out. It seemed like a mistake but then I read some of the reviews on GoodReads and realized that it was a tool used to separate then and now. Still, I could have done without that shifting.

I loved the dark, death themes that this family seemed involved in. Notice the word ‘seemed’, as in the end that might be questioned.

This was a coming of age story. Yet it involves a lot of the human experience, old amd young alike. I would think this would be best read by new adults or older, younger readers might not recognize the rebelious nature presented.

And we’ve come full circle… In the end, I was very glad to have read it, experienced life from another’s eyes. Now I need to see if I can get ahold of a sequel.

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The Sound of Crickets
The Sound of Crickets by Marissa Farrar

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bittersweet blogging. Those are the words that stand out in my mind when thinking about this book. I finished it last night just before Sandman Time. So I was left hoping I could remember to do the review justice when I finally put fingers to keyboard.

For my blogging friends, the senarios presented are not so far fetched. We find people we consider friends, from all over the world, with differing opinions, who we have never met. We care deeply when they report of illness or loss in their lives. We feel anger when we see that they are making mistakes that we know they must to learn who they are. We feel elation at those finding love or giving birth. We share ‘Ah ha!’ moments together and wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that?” when they present simplistic marvels within their blogs. Most of all we enjoy support and support others in the process. The Sound of Crickets embraced it all.

Spoilers keep wanting to slip out as I write this. Though at times in the book, you can see what is coming, still it is lovingly fed out to us, byte by byte. There are a few laugh out loud moments and others where you might need your kleenex, but it is worth the ride.

By the way, don’t feel like you wouldn’t know what to do with a book that blogs out the lives of four women. If you love books using letter, email, or tweets to convey the story, this works just as well. The fact, that these four didn’t know each other at all when they set up this blog leads us all through their getting to know each other and themselves while living their lives.

I wanted a book that would help me relax and go to sleep. The title drew me in. But this book isn’t boring at all. No, it isn’t a thriller/suspense novel, but the characters draw you in and lead you down roads that you might not expect. It gives a glimpse of humanity at its best and most human. I do hope others will pick it up as it is worth the read.

Dear Marissa Farrar (author), PLEASE, a sequel??? I want to see the characters grow even more, maybe add a few more bloggers?
Bittersweet blogging. Those are the words that stand out in my mind when thinking about this book. I finished it last night just before Sandman Time. So I was left hoping I could remember to do the review justice when I finally put fingers to keyboard.

For my blogging friends, the senarios presented are not so far fetched. We find people we consider friends, from all over the world, with differing opinions, who we have never met. We care deeply when they report of illness or loss in their lives. We feel anger when we see that they are making mistakes that we know they must to learn who they are. We feel elation at those finding love or giving birth. We share ‘Ah ha!’ moments together and wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that?” when they present simplistic marvels within their blogs. Most of all we enjoy support and support others in the process. The Sound of Crickets embraced it all.

Spoilers keep wanting to slip out as I write this. Though at times in the book, you can see what is coming, still it is lovingly fed out to us, byte by byte. There are a few laugh out loud moments and others where you might need your kleenex, but it is worth the ride.

By the way, don’t feel like you wouldn’t know what to do with a book that blogs out the lives of four women. If you love books using letter, email, or tweets to convey the story, this works just as well. The fact, that these four didn’t know each other at all when they set up this blog leads us all through their getting to know each other and themselves while living their lives.

I wanted a book that would help me relax and go to sleep. The title drew me in. But this book isn’t boring at all. No, it isn’t a thriller/suspense novel, but the characters draw you in and lead you down roads that you might not expect. It gives a glimpse of humanity at its best and most human. I do hope others will pick it up as it is worth the read.

Dear Marissa Farrar (author), PLEASE, a sequel??? I want to see the characters grow even more, maybe add a few more bloggers?

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13 Little Blue Envelopes with Bonus Material 13 Little Blue Envelopes with Bonus Material by Maureen Johnson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sorry I didn’t send you all postcards. I didn’t have time to stop for souvenirs. Ah, but aren’t road trips the best? That’s how I felt as I was reading this charming book. Like I have been from New York to visit a lot of Europe. I met so many people and saw so many sights. I might have learned a thing or two along the way.

Every moment of this book was fun, even the angsty ones. These weren’t the usual teen/romance angsts but rather of getting lost or being shy or missing a loved one. Anyone can relate to those feelings, no matter what their age or gender. I loved the characters and their growth throughout the book. I so wanted to give Gin, the MC a hug on a few occasions. That’s how real she felt to me.

You know, I only have one bad thing to say about the book. That is about the bonus part. That is the first bit of the next book. You see, this book was free, way back in–was it 2011 or 2012? In fact, I couldn’t find the B004T5V4L6 edition on Amazon. At any rate, it was the lead up to book two that was the bonus. Picture me with a fish-hook through my mouth. So I went to look for the next one and found it to be way to expensive for my meager book allowance. AND neither this book or the next are lending-enabled. BOO! So I am on a waiting list for the library version. Hope the font is large enough for me.

Anyway, want to travel? Pick up this book. $1.99, I think. Compared to the cost of the flight alone, that is a bargain! Enjoy!

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Agnes Barton Senior Sleuth Mysteries Box Set, cozy mystery (Books 1-3)
Agnes Barton Senior Sleuth Mysteries Box Set, cozy mystery (Books 1-3) by Madison Johns
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, I have finished with the first combined book that encompassed books 1-3. I have to admit that it was fun. By reading the books this way I was able to watch the characters grow into believable people. The story became more and more real. I felt the humor the author sprinkled in as hugs from a friend.

If you want to see the reviews for each of the books here:

I bought them all individually but chose to read the books with the box set so as to get more deeply into Madison Johns’s cozy mysteries. Besides, when I find someone doing what I think is right, I try to support them with my money, meager as it is. In this case, I had been researching stories that featured older womyn. I don’t like mysteries, especially the murder-y kind. I would rather read science fiction or fantasy with crones, senior ladies, being the ones getting to have the adventures. When I think that the baby boomers are the largest generation, then having stories about us, especially the womyn, should be easy to find. But alas, that isn’t the case. Anyway, that is how I found this series and invested into it.

Cozy isn’t the word I would apply to murder of any sort. These books do contain that wicked element. But the author doesn’t spend time dredging up the blood or other details I’d rather not have in my head before going to sleep. The thrill is in watching the main characters sort through the facts and figure out the whodunnit and why. So I suppose that is how it rates the ‘cozy mystery’ tag.

These are great beach reads or quiet reads to accompany tea. One needs lighter reads like that, occasionally. By the way, I do have the next boxed set ready to read but I have a lot on my read-to-review shelf that I need to read first. I do plan to continue enjoying Aggie and El again, soon.

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Senior Snoops
Senior Snoops by Madison Johns
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This third in the series was better than the other two combined. The Senior Snoops are getting to winter in Florida. Nice! If they thought it would all be beaches and tans, though, they got a rude awakening long before they got to their destination. So murder and mysteries abound.

After the two previous books I feel I know Agnes and Eleanor as good friends. They have spunk and are active seniors. They are sexually active and enjoy the men in their lives with enthusiasm. And they are snoopy! They can get in more trouble than any twelve teens.

I did enjoy this book. There are a few editing issues, but they don’t get in the way of the story. I think my biggest gripe was the making Agnes become a sudden prude on nude beaches or in the strip club. I didn’t see her that way before this book so the few remarks that made her that way stopped the story short for me. Still, I have the next set of books set up. I have a few other books I am supposed to be reading first, but I’ll be happy to see what Madison Johns has these snoops up to next.

These are great light reading for when you need a break from heavier literary pursuits.

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Armed and Outrageous
Armed and Outrageous by Madison Johns
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Though I am reading the three-book boxed set, I think it is fair to give a review of each individual book. Since I did buy both, and as I want to encourage writing for seniors, the reals ones not the ones in twelfth grade in high school. Besides, it doesn’t hurt my reading goals to review individually. 😉

It is so exciting to actually read something that includes people, womyn, who are not teens. Was it as well-written as I would like? Not so much. I would give this three and a half stars. This needed more editing. And did we have to fall into the trap of the romance? I like when womyn can think for themselves and stand without a man coming to their rescue. Agnes did that for the most part, but she got all weak kneed and girlie when the man of her dreams comes into view. I loved Eleanor, the ninety-something sex crazed side-kick better than the main character. She pulled no punches and got what she needed from the world.

That world is Tawas, Michigan. I’ve never been there so it seemed like another country, to me. The author did make it sound like the kind of place I’d like to visit sometime.

I love how Madison Johns, the author, captures all kinds of senior citizens within this book. She laughs at some who seem like they would enjoy the joke while holding respect and sympathy for those not so blessed or able. And I love how Ms. Johns addresses fem issues. You wouldn’t think that the issues would be so strong once womyn were no longer in the work force, but it seems to affects us all a lot more. Ms. Johns doesn’t draw attention to these issues, but rather, states them as is and moves on, leaving the reader to draw their own conclusions.

The tags ‘mystery, thriller, suspense’ are the most accurate. Chic-lit or cozy mystery seem too light for the contents. Rape, murder, and sex-trafficking are some topics involved which are dealt with in a serious manner. I found that fact a little too much to deal with. I don’t like reading stories that are too realistic. I get that on the news. Give me a good sci-fi or fantasy to get lost in, any day. But all in all this was a good read and I will continue the series with delight. Go, Seniors!

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Tapestry of Fortunes: A Novel
Tapestry of Fortunes: A Novel by Elizabeth Berg
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Road trip!

Look, I see a lot of negative reviews of this book. That’s sad because this one actually met my goal. It is a story about older women (sixty and younger) written by a female author. It was a fun read. A great read for someone who is rather stuck at home during the winter. I got my travel bug up and ready for being a vagabond. At least the older females were thought of!

Could the book have been deeper? Yes. In fact just as it all seemed to be fun the story took a turn and ended. It was as if the author didn’t know what to do with a bunch of women having an adventure. Sure, there was drama, but bits that I wanted to explore got left by the wayside. Too bad. The worst part? When at 50% read the book ended. BOO!

Well, the second book in this bundle was a bit of a surprise. Who expected one more book? Open House wasn’t as good as Tapestry of Fortune. The woman was younger (in her forties). It was an agonizing tale of divorce and all the emotions attached to that. I still found it interesting and found myself rooting for the main character. But this all brings up why I prefer sci-fi and fantasy. If I wanted real life, I’d live it! Oh, wait, I already do! In both of these books I was disturbed by the hokey romantic notions. Can’t a woman just find herself and enjoy all the relationships in her life? Do they have to be looking for the ‘one’? Geez! There is nothing wrong with sex or romance. It just left behind the growth of the woman.

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GIRL TALK Letters Between Friends
GIRL TALK Letters Between Friends by Vicki Hinze writing as Kali Kaye
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was an inspiration to this non-letter-writing person. It made me want to write letters! I have a friend I met in 6th grade who managed to write to me often enough over the years of our developing womynhood that we are still friends now. Reading some of these letters made me think of our own. But now that we have email and cell phones we are both horrid at doing it. I have another friend who wants to exchange letters and she has written me, even though we live a couple miles from each other. But <> I haven’t followed through yet. Must get busy and write letters.

Letter writing is such a lost art. I remember when I moved from my parents house into a city far away that I was writing letters to them and other relatives all the time. There is something about writing pen to paper to help one to connect to themselves and others. If for no other reason, this book is worth reading for this inspiration.

I would guess that the womyn in this book are my age as the timeline has them in 7th grade when I was. I think that was why I was thrown off by a few things that felt needed a bit more research. But rather than getting nit-picky I’ll keep this review on the story itself. It told a wonderful story of four girls who stayed friends forever no matter what. To think that a teacher’s assignment could work such wonders! I loved that each person was individual and each had lives, goals and dreams of their own. I loved how it showed that opinionated people who are in opposing camps could love each other through it all.

I labeled this chic-lit but it was far deeper to me than that. It is a light read that takes half a day to read, but it had depth to it–and it inspired me. That’s worth something right there. I wish it hadn’t ended so abruptly. I want to see what happens as they get in their 60s and older.

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