An hour before sunset


Just to update quickly my husband is fine.  He had a few polyps that they removed.  The cool part for me was I was able to show support in two ways.  One was to drive him home.

Chris had to fast from midnight Saturday night until after his appointment 1 (or was it 2? Weird I can’t remember now) on Monday.

Anyway,  Easy peasy.  I did heavy Keto Saturday until my normal cut off of 8PM.

I have been trying to work my fast time to the health-inducing autophagy of a 36-48 hour fast.

By the way, here’s the definition of autophagy: 

Autophagy is the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells, according to Priya Khorana, PhD, in nutrition education from Columbia University. “Auto” means self and “phagy” means eat. So the literal meaning of autophagy is “self-eating.”Aug 23, 2018 › health

Funny now I think about it. Isn’t that what Autumn is about? Leaves fall to feed the tree next year.

So, after that crazy hour I usually give in as too hungry at hour 24/25. But this was easy sailing. Nothing crazy. No shakes or fainting.  And if it is such a bad thing why did his doctor recommend such a fast for a diabetic who is on more prescriptions than I am. So this seemed a good time to try. I declared it to him. He gave me an out. But I knew love would get me through.

It was fun to watch us both as we gain a confidence in our bodies. We both knew tricks.  He could cheat and have broth or even jello if sugar levels got bad. He did drink some broth.

I knew I could cheat with bone broth or even peanut butter. Though technically those break a fast it is okay for newbies.

No cheating for me. Drinking water, tea, and coffee helped keep me hydrated. I felt badly that my husband wasn’t allowed water or anything on the morning of the procedure. I had to sneak sips when he was busy driving.

I brought a jar of natural peanut butter and two clean spoons for after. We had a two hour trip back so I felt it wise.

We stopped at the Barnes and Noble on the way out. No. Not for the books. I knew they had a nice restroom. All that water needs to go somewhere. I might note, outside of the doctor’s office this was the cleanest and most protective spot I’d ever been to. I plan to go back soon!

My fast lasted 45 hours if you don’t count a spoonful of peanut butter. Today was feast day. Maybe tomorrow I’ll fast 36 again. Weight has fallen a lot since I began this adventure early this year.

Did you notice in the pictures above, that the smaller tree on the right has lost most of it’s leaves except up near the top some stubborn green leaves are hanging on for dear life!