Tag Archive: covid19

Life During Pandemic

It has been a crazy week for my family. Last Friday (I think) my son’s significant other notified me that she and her family, and my son had been exposed to COVID. It turns out she tested positive and then became very ill. But even though it was scary, I think her health has kept her less sick than she could have been. Even so she and I have spent a lot of time on messenger chatting. Me trying to keep her a bit distracted from how scared she was, and she trying to help me not be so scared for her and my son. I think that is why I have been less able to blog, or think of anything but this situation.

By the way, my son tested negative, yet he is coughing as of today. Again, he’s pretty healthy so I’m not very worried. My third son had it quite a while ago and is out having fun now. He and his crew got their shots so they can play at the beach with masks on.

I’m saying all this just to point out that the numbers we see on the news we need to multiply all family and friend lists to get to the why the angst of this last couple years has climbed to an all time high. The silver lining is all of us getting to know each other better. And for me it has pushed me to get healthier so I can withstand it all.

I have no doubt that many who will read this have their own stories to tell about how this pandemic is touching them personally. Let me quickly send out a hug to all of you and wish you the solidarity of love and health to get through it all.

Bitmoji Image


When it rains…

Last night Rosey had her bi-weekly spell. My husband cleaned up the yuck. He was taking the towel outside to shake. As he turned to come back inside he tripped. The whole house shook.

After a full day in the ER we’ve learned he has two cracked ribs.

While we were there we learned they’d checked in 7 new cases of COVID19. Apparently there’s a new break out. Lots of younger people are catching it. The nurse nearly cried when we told her we were vaccinated. She thanked us. She told us one of their healthy team members, who used to jog 100 miles a week, succumbed to the disease.

Let’s not get out there too soon, folks. Let’s keep each other safe to keep our health teams well.

Made It Monday

KB skinny Flexee Loom.

Skinny Flexee Loom

80 pegs divided four by four for a brim. Then used the knitted sections to make a four peg left-leaning cable.

When I reached 7 inches I started the decrease crown like this:

Then instead of finishing as Kristen did, I moved the loops to make sure I could remove every other link. Then I started another round of decreases. I love how smooth the crown looks when it is on a real head. Now I am making a toddler-sized copy. I love doing the cable and the crown stuff!

By the way, when you look at this photo from CBS Sunday Morning yesterday it’s just sad numbers.

When you know someone it is personal. Yes, my son tested positive. He’s doing lots of sleeping and bingeing shows, his fever is lower now and the cough seems to have lessened. He’s trying to keep his friends and family aware of his progress on FaceBook and his spirits seem good, if not bored. So I am taking comfort in that.


One-Liner Wednesday (Or a couple more)

I want to say something inspiring or funny. But one degree of separation of COVID19 sucks. I am finally feeling healthy after my tooth infection and my son shows symptoms and is being tested tomorrow. 2020 sucks


Badge by Laura @ riddlefromthemiddle.com

One-liner Wednesday is usually a fun prompt. In this case, it is was the easiest way to put that out there to asks for prayers or positive thoughts. He’s in his 40s. A hard worker. A talented musician. A person who cares for so many people, nearly to a fault.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday

End Of Summer

Looking back over this summer I realize it was comparatively mild. Not that my body could tell with temps more than a hundred often on days that weather crept up to over a hundred. But most days my fever was lowish 98-99 degrees and our climate was in the high 80s and low 90s for the most part. And so far, knock on sagebrush, our smoke has been lighter than a lot of other places on the west coast.

Many of you already know that the dentist took out my infected tooth on Monday the 24th. There were plenty of built-up worries. I’ve been anxious about it since early March when all they could do was a quick temporary filling. Pain and fevers kept me thinking COVID19 when I knew it was the tooth. So six months later getting that irritation out of my life seemed something to look forward to. But I have dentophobia. I had so many teeth removed as a kid to make room in my mouth. Yeah, that worked! <–Sarcasm

Not me. Pixabay.com

The night before the procedure was to happen, I had forgotten my Kindle charger in the living room. I had just settled in bed ready for my nightly read. The battery was so low I wouldn’t have made it through a page. So I jumped up and went to the bedroom door. Just as I got there, I stubbed my baby toe on a furniture leg. I heard the crack. I stood with a silent scream until I could get myself under control. The run for the charger became a limp. I manage to get back to bed and read myself to sleep. All the while realizing that since I knew I had broken that toe before, there might be a problem with fixing it myself. And now I had one more exposure risk as I knew I had to go to Urgent Care AGAIN. I had just gone two weeks before as the infected tooth was unbearable. That time I got a stronger antibiotic. Which worked! And we learned about the car having computer problems.

So, the story within a story, It takes about an hour and a half to get to the town where the Urgent Care is. When almost there, our car just stopped. We got a jump from a passing Department of Transportation employee (Thank you!). Got to UC and saw the doctor. An abscess was the diagnosis. The whole UC experience was fantastic and made me feel safe from the entrance until I left. Got back into the car and it wouldn’t start. Had to phone a guy who charged $65 to give us a jump. We started to pull out of the parking place and stalled out again. This time he didn’t make us pay for the charge of the battery.

We needed to pick up my prescription but the car issues already had me nervous. Got to Bi-Mart and my husband dropped me off to go pick it up, he’d go see about keeping the car running. That was a nightmare for me. I realize now that I could have gone to the outside window. But I thought that was for folks who were regular customers. So I went in like before COVID19. I had my mask on. But the store was crowded. Granted everyone had on masks. But towards the pharmacy, they were unable to keep a distance. The clerk needed to ask the pharmacist something and told me to stand aside. The next clerk asked the next person in line to come up. Social Anxiety reared its ugly head and I was panicked. There was no safe space for me. I walked around to another row and tried to cool off. Finally, they called on me. I didn’t even flinch when I paid $75 for the drugs and hightailed out of the store.

Outside the store, I sat on a provided bench to try and get myself together. A guy came and sat right next to me. I grabbed my stuff and nearly ran to the end of the store and hid behind the bicycle rack. I sat on the ground against the wall. I got ready to call my husband but my friends were online. I dumped on them and they were terrific in calming me down. Finally, I got my husband on the phone and he managed to get back. I was embarrassed to tell him where I was but he heard the shakiness in my voice and let me know he would be there in a minute. He was.

Then we went to Les Schwabb’s. Another place I felt safe. The tested battery and alternator and found both in good condition. Their diagnosis was computer glitch.

Which brings us back to the 24th. We didn’t take the car. We took the truck. No AC but it was a cool enough day it was okay with the windows down.

The dentist was kind and gave me lots of Novocain. He put up with my body shaking like a teacup chihuahua. Tooth gone. Blood oozing through cotton and mask.  Now on to Urgent Care.

I bet they saw ebola as I came in. But in the deadened mouth-speak I told them extraction. They took my temp which was well below 98. And diagnosis, broken toe. duh. Toe buddy-wrapped and in Frankenstein boot, new gauze and mask I was able to leave. Anxiety levels were doable. And I wished I had time to go play in stores like the dollar store but by now I was tired. The trip on a good day wears me out. It takes nearly a week to have energy again. That’s why none of you have heard much from me for a while.

Okay, that’s my stream. If anyone is grading I hope I get over a hundred. I like that extra credit, high achiever that I am.



2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “more than a hundred.” Write your post inspired by something you have more than a hundred of in your home right now. Enjoy!

I think it is Sunday. The day and date faded in and out all day leaving me wondering.

We did watch CBS Sunday Morning. I remember having tears and laughter as the show progressed between the deaths of the famous and Jim Carrey’s humor. The most impressive moments of the show were these:


But as with most shows these days, a lot centered around COVID19 and our new normal.

I knitted my day away. We actually finishing Independence Day Resurgence. I didn’t find it so awful as I had the first time I watched it. And my husband and I found interesting faces and storylines that seemed not to tie in as they should. Come to find out there is a book (Independence Day: Crucible) that should be between the two movies. So I ordered it. I will try to read it when finished with this Outlander (at chapter 117 of 142-?)

The ID2 story seems more to ring true with COVID19’s global threats. Never in my lifetime do I remember having so much in common with other countries. Sure we lived through the ducking beneath our desks in case a bomb hit. Like that would ever help. But we were very young and the in-class movies showed us the importance.

Then we had an assassination of an actual president, that we most loved. In our protestant house, there was fear of him. My parents hated that I was glued to the set as Catholic services and movies kept the sadness front and center of everyone’s minds. But I don’t remember much about how the world handled it. It was mostly global in our heads.

How about the moon landing? That was massive. But was it? It was USA landing and claiming. Sure we connected in country but maybe that wasn’t as global as we thought.

So as a reverse independence day started occurring in March, as our social groups grew smaller our minds seemed to see farther than we have, well, at least in my lifetime. On the movie Independence Day, it was by Morse Code that we connected globally to attack the enemy. For twenty years the world stayed in harmony until the next threat of the alien beings tried to kill us all.

Do you think there will be a day as we fight the enemy that all countries will unite and kill the virus and we will be at peace? Will we find a happy ending to all this? This is far harder than shooting guns and flying spaceships. The enemy is unseen. So small most of us wouldn’t know what it looks like. We wear masks not to protect us but others. There is no shield we can hold up. It is only in seeing loved ones or people two degrees from us that we can see it not as a laugh but as serious as the insectoid/octopuslike aliens.

How odd to have something so deadly pointed at us and to stand weak, yet caring for others. The old adages of TV Westerns where the hero stands between the bandit and the loved one doesn’t apply. None of the rules of the games we have learned work for this. I know my mother and parents of we older boomers worried about the scum in ponds that could, in their minds, cause polio. But I don’t think that disease was as contagious as this. I know it was horrid. I remember stories. But I don’t remember meeting anyone who had it. I did meet a couple people later in life that had recovered from it with crutches and skinny legs. I was still too young to understand anything about it. We still got to go see our grandparents and go to church and school.

With the #WDIIA, we have a prompt that helps us to meander through our thoughts. Today, the day after Independence Day my thoughts see a tiny invisible thing that is more powerful than what Will Smith had to deal with. Today means that it is day 1 on fourteen days we who are more vulnerable have to stay isolated because others need their crowds. How many will die because you need to party? Couldn’t a day of introspection of how we won our Independence and the lines left for us, “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” be better than beer and hotdogs? Isn’t my life as important as your need to carry a gun?

Okay, that was a lot of wandering around. I know others can say all this so much better than I. But I needed to say it. And now it is nearly Monday #WTIIA

I know it’s Friday because of Grey’s Anatomy last night and garbage collection today.



And Fridays my friends and I get on FaceBook IM and talk face-to-face. We have been doing that for quite a while now. Our talks go on for hours. Most of the time the only reason they end is one or all of us need to hit the necessary room. LOL! But sometimes I’ll leave Kali or husband to chat with them so I can find relief and come back and chat some more.


While we chat we knit or crochet, or talk with one of the friend’s daughter and granddaughter. Today, we got to see the baby grandson. What a cutie! Usually, we see them wander into my friend’s room as they drop off or pick up said granddaughter. Now we saw them on the phone. It made me cry that they had to stay apart. My friend and her granddaughter have created a beautiful relationship. But the hugs and relationship have to be apart. Breaks my heart.

Granted in previous plagues there was no internet or even phones. That had to be heartbreaking. Especially for those that lived alone wondering what was happening to the people they love.


Many have adapted the three-degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon is now played with how close are you to one affected with the virus. I have two degrees twice. I don’t know the people but the people who love or know the affected.

But the degree of separation may be even closer as the roommate of my friend had been in contact with one who later tested positive. They are doing their best not to be in the same room or keep the mutual surfaces clean. But I must admit to being SO worried!

Neither of my friends have great immune systems. One had a heart attack recently and has rheumatoid arthritis, the other a survivor of cervical cancer. I worry. I don’t want to. I try to tell myself that should we actually know that we only have a couple weeks to live I wouldn’t want to spend it worrying about the end but live life as full as we can under the circumstances. But it is a reality we all must face. The funny thing is, things could have happened to us at any time during our lives to kill us. Aren’t we blessed to have lived through the love and beauty and excitement we’ve had our whole lives? Every moment is a gift!

The facts change from day to day. At first, we were only worried about those of us that are older, but now we are seeing all ages getting it. Staying in and doing the best we can to stay healthy is what most of the people I know are doing. My daughter has been working at home for a while now. Hunkering down is same/same for her. I worry for her and her man, but not as much as her siblings. Two of my sons are still working. One in a high demand job that has him going crazy. There is little downtime. I worry about these two sons, and their friends and significant others.

Again, there is nothing I can do besides stay in touch and say prayers. The control we thought we had in life isn’t ours to hold.

There are so many friends and family out there that I have shared good times and lots of love. May we all come out of this healthier with better systems in place to handle it all with grace and peace.

Love and health to all of you!

Thank you, Linda G. Hill for this chance to communicate with our blogging community about our new normal. #WDIIA


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