Tag Archive: daughter’s sock

Finishing Again Friday

Two more inches until time to do the wrap-in-turns of the heel. Maybe I will have a pair by next Friday.

I guess I am getting faster in having this much done in a day. I didn’t mention yesterday that this is the ‘Hers’ of the KB His and Hers sock looms. Kitchener Cast-on is so much fun. See the picture below for the small ball of yarn that I pulled to ‘zip’ the toe closed.  I used the flat-knit stitch for the most part. If the tension gets too tight I use the U-stitch.

That little ball will be great for mending the sock later or starting a scrappy-sock. I do love this yarn.

Have a good weekend!


When last seen here on WP, my daughter’s sock was this length.

I had actually gotten past the heel and was well into the cuff of the sock. Sadly, I realized I had made it two inches too long on the foot. It would have fit my 81/2 size shoe but not my daughter’s size 7. Nor would it have been big enough for her boyfriend who is possibly a size 11. So as the emoji on the title predicted I threw in the towel but persevered. With sadness, I found I couldn’t tink (knit backward) past the heel. My dyslexia mind couldn’t figure out what to do with unwrapped and turned parts. So I frogged (ripped it) and reballed the yarn:

So sad. 😥

But now, I have once again got the Kitchener Cast-On toe finished. I am rows away from the fun part of yarn pulling the toe closed. Maybe I can figure out how to photograph this yarntastic storm. It is the most fun of all knitting for me so far, outside of an actual finished product, that is.

I’m not discouraged.  I prefer what I make to turn out nicely. Especially now that I realize how comfortable and gorgeous handmade socks are. So, stay tuned to see how the new try turns out. Don’t hold your breath. It will take a week or so. I’m not very fast.

I hope your Thursday was more productive and fun. 😀


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