Tag Archive: Day After Tomorrow

Happy Sunday

And Independence Day. For tradition we watched our DVD of same.

For the last couple days I’ve been bingeing on Hinterland.

Or anything with cold weather, like, yes, another hit of Day After Tomorrow.

Right now I hear the fireworks at the little park against the noise of Tomorrow War.

Many things are happening in the next two weeks. I’ll have company this week and the week after I will be company. I finally get to see family and friends. And for me friends are family. And vice versa.

So just because it’s hot and nothing gets accomplished, doesn’t mean good things can’t happen. The best news is that while I’m away there’s AC everywhere. That’s something.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled lives. 😁

Per Linda:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “movie title.” Take the title of the last movie you watched (just the title, not the premise of the movie), and base your post on that title. Have fun!

So Saturdays we often watch disaster movies when we are tired of watching shows about animals and veterinarians.  If we aren’t in the middle of a binge. Today’s movie was Day After Tomorrow. It is a fun go-to for us if we are both busy writing or knitting or reading.

The day after tomorrow is Monday. Cloudy, cold. But the day after that may have snow. I hope the snow we have right now isn’t gone so that soon the world will be as white as the world in the movie. No, I don’t want it that cold. I certainly don’t want to have to move to South America to get warm.

I promised that the second slipper sock would be done by today and: Ta DA!

I can’t wait to make more of these for the charity. I can imagine people stuck in bed needing to have warm feet. Again, this is done on the blue, 24-peg Knifty Knitter loom with (I think) homespun. It had to be a cuff down as the toe-up Kitchener doesn’t work well with this yarn. The cuff is e-wrapped and folded. The rest was a combo of mostly flat-knit or u-wrap.

I still have three socks on separate looms, a hat, and about three toys in the process. So I can’t tell you what will be finished the day after tomorrow.

I wish I could tell you what the next binge is for the day after tomorrow. We seem to be at a loss since finishing Gilmore Girls. Please don’t groan. My daughter tried to get me to watch them with her when she was in high school but I was working and very busy and just couldn’t get into it. When I finally got to it I groaned. I seemed to have run out of anything interesting. Sometimes you just have to give a book or a movie a chance. After watching the first few episodes alone, my husband came in and got addicted, too.

Being able to move through the last few decades, seeing old actor ‘friends’, the music and movie references just made this so much fun. And associating it with my daughter, empty nesting and the like made it a sinus clearer! It is weird that I haven’t needed my nasal spray or anything since watching it. We watched all of it and then the Seasons In The Life. Gosh, I miss it! I may have to go back and start again!

Any suggestions for our next binge?

Remember how we all talked about dogs and the zoomies the other day? I wonder if they are having a cathartic reaction to something in their lives. I love a good dance it out (when no one is looking), a quick run around the yard (again when no one is looking–I hope).

It is too bad we all so close to our neighbors. I think a good scream it out or sing at the top of our lungs would be quite cathartic for all of us. It seems the only time I can do that is on a car trip by myself. Me and Babs doing Yentl or other Broadway musicals can bring me back to me.

Sometimes baking bread will do it with the punching down the dough. I think any physical burst of energy can pull out a lot of emotions without spending tons on psychiatrists and meds.

Another thing I love to do is watch shows like Beaches. That good cry at the end can clear out the cobwebs.

Lately, and this is a bit embarrassing to me, (wow! look above at all the cathartic embarrassments!) if I’m feeling a lot of hopelessness about the world, especially the rulers of the world (notice how vague that is!) I love watching non-stop disaster movies. The plots are similar, stupid rulers making stupid decisions for their own good and scientists that are being paid to find certain answers with no regard to truth, then the rulers say not to panic, which in turn becomes panic. Those we relate to live through it all or are emotional heroes.

And right now it seems knitting and binging horror/weirdness shows get me by until I can dance it out again.

Well, even writing this was cathartic. Thank you, Linda and Enthralling Journey


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