Drape closing time of the day. Daytime is ending with a beautiful sunset. Unfortunately, the pinks and reds my eyes saw, don’t show up for the picture. Darn!

I didn’t take a walk today. It was so cold and the wind was blowing hard. I hate to admit it but I missed doing it. I am watching a lot of YouTubes about Keto and Doctor Jason Fung, Intermittent Fasting. They are helping me see more things I can do to get healthier. I don’t want to claim the word Diabetes for a D word, but can’t get away from it!

By the way, the dog isn’t happy with today either. Not only is she so depressed she is sleeping, she seemed to pull that picture out of focus. (Hehe)

Daily editing for CampNaNo still happened. 9592 words went through Grammarly and I fixed a few of the mistakes. I am still happy with the story and can’t wait to get my series out into the world. I hope my appointment with the doctor tomorrow will help me with my vision issues.

I am back in the crazies of What Day Is It Anyway? And only just now did I realize that this is Monday and once again I missed my writing group. I guess I need to start putting DATES on my calendar that I want to be aware of. Now that I have more going on in my life I may need to keep a diary again!
