2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Linda G. Hill says: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “clear.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy! Follow the link above to learn how to play!

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

“Clear!” The Hollywood doctor yells as the body on the table jumps. Clearly, acting is taking place. Often they hit that defibrillator several times, and, hopefully, the pretend patient is saved. The music plays dramatically, and you sit on the edge of your seat. Then, whew, the physician drops the paddles and sighs.

Seeing the screen clearly now, I can read what the actors are saying. I can’t stop talking about how great it is to have a bright shiny new eye where a poor blind orb used to be. Heck, I am back to writing this blog on my laptop. I can actually see the screen better without glasses than with. My brain is trying to catch up with the new input. I’d love to see how all that works. If an older person needs to keep making new connections to keep their brain healthy, having cataract surgery has to help keep the person young.

Meanwhile, I haven’t stopped with my knitting or diamond painting.

Scrappy socks
nearly halfway done

Oh! And though there have been days I couldn’t see well enough to write, I still have managed to get back on track with My Life which will have another title, like maybe Chicken Dumpling Soup or Moving. Anyway, heres where I am:

yWriter7 tells me if I write about 900 words a day I will be able to hit my 20k goal on the 31st.

Monday morning we leave at 7AM to go get my right eye decataracted (that can’t be a word!) Tuesday morning we leave at 5AM for my recheck at 7:20AM. I’m not a morning person. Never have been. But for this I will manage. Because by Tuesday everything will be clear.