Tag Archive: driving

Share Your World


A piece of clothing from your younger childhood you still remember?


I had a plaid dress. The primary color was purple but all the blues, reds, and yellows had me fascinated by the magic of the blends. I am still looking for that plaid just to see it.

Somewhere between these two I found on Google:

I, also, had a dress handed down from my fashionable cousin that had pink buttons along the scoop neck and the skirt was striped. For some reason, it reminded me of Good and Plenty candies.

Irregardless of your physical fitness, coordination or agility: If you could be an athlete what would do do?   Remember this is SYW, dreaming is always allowed.

I’d be an Olympic swimmer or swim the Channel as they say.

In a car would you rather drive or be a passenger?

Driver, unless stuck on the parkinglot of a freeway. I don’t like lots of traffic or town driving. I hate traffic circles!

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  I was so happy to get to see family and friends in Reno last week. And yes, it was a fantastic drive. 

Share Your World is Cee’s fun project. Check it out here.

Distracted Driving. Why The Devices That Are Supposed to Make us Safer, Do Just the Opposite | Risk: Reason and Reality | Big Think. What are your thoughts?


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