Sacerdos by Elizabeth Amisu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Elizabeth Amisu has created a new world, similar to our own, but futuristic while encompassing old world beliefs.

I wouldn’t call Sacerdos a sci-fi but it feels like it at times. Mystery, though? Not cloak and dagger, gum-shoe type. What I have come away from this first book with, is the mysteries are the questions about this world and the main character, Caelara Lessien Teneo’s life and new found abilities. On that line, I would call this a fantasy. It is similar yet different from other young-adult fantasies I have read.

Before I get into the nitty-gritties, I do think young-adults who love fantasy will love this book. When it becomes available again, I think many of my issues will have been resolved. I may have become jaded on the YA fantasy genre. Please take that into account. Do notice that I did still give the book four stars. Much of that was for world and character development. Well done!

There were many errors, typos, etc. But the story held true no matter what; it kept me reading. There were many boring parts that had me questioning which book I should be reading instead. But again, I had grown to care about the main character enough so that I wanted to see what would happen next. There was war, and bullies. If you think it is bad going to one school with bullies you are snatched away for a time of R&R to another, colder school with wool blankets and more bullies. And more war. All that fighting wore on me. And though the book didn’t end on a true cliffhanger, I made sure that the next book is ready for me when I can read it. So, um, yeah. Almost excellent.

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