A Woman LostA Woman Lost by T.B. Markinson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well, that’s what I get for not writing the review the minute I finish reading a book. I have to take a moment away from the other books I’m reading to remember this one. Deep breath. Taking a moment. …

Let me start with how much I identified with the main character. No. I am not rich. My parents and brothers weren’t like Elizabeth “Lizzie” Petrie’s. But the cluelessness of what others feel. That’s where I relate. I could tell that others related to it too; the passages of highlighted passages were the ones I might have highlighted myself if I weren’t in such a hurry to see what happens next. Is she going to get the girl or live her life alone regretting that she didn’t see how she caused the break-up.

This was a contemporary story. T.B. Markinson wrote a believable tale in that the reader can feel themselves in the shoes of the characters, smell the trees, see the chipmucks of the Colorado area scampering in the areas Lizzie lives and camps in.

I loved this book so much that I made sure I had book two ready to go when I finished. I can’t wait to see what happens to Liz next.

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