Tag Archive: Embrace Your Weird

An exercise in this book was inspiring today. The section is about procrastination and perfection and how these things stop the creative process. The instructions were to write five sentences about a superhero and a cat stuck in a burning building.

Here are my five.

  1. Help my cat is left in my house!
  2. Never fear Wonder Crone is here!
  3. An appoggiatura, a leap and a step into the room.
  4. Frodo won’t go.
  5. Towel and soft talk and fly to the ground handing Frodo to her mom.

Frodo is my daughter’s cat who is afraid of me. Just for clarification.

Now the thing I have to do is rewrite this to perfection. Stay tuned. Maybe by next Wednesday I’ll have a better story.

Now is is the superhero I saw on Grey’s Anatomy (yes, I’m bingeing it again)

One-Liner Wednesday

Dream it; Question it; Commit to it.

Felicia Day, Embrace Your Weird

Badge by Laura @ riddlefromthemiddle.com

One-liner Wednesday is an easy prompt brought to us by Linda G. Hill.

What Day Is It Anyway?

Remember when we were playing that game at the beginning of the lockdown? Yeah. Somehow I have entered back into it. I stopped my brother from taking the trash out to the curb. “Hey, what are you doing? It’s only Wednesday!” We argued and he backed down. Hey. I would know. I hadn’t done a One-Liner so Wednesday didn’t happen.

Then a commercial for Grey’s Anatomy came on saying ‘tonight…’. The news was on and it said, Thursday down in the corner. What??? So I had to apologize to my brother and go grab the trash from my bedroom and bathroom. Where did the week go?

And how did it get to be almost tomorrow?

Well, it was a fun day. my friend and I are making a sort of creativity class from Felicia Day’s book, Embrace Your Weird. I have the Audible version and she has the book. We do the little exercises together and the bigger ones we do as ‘homework’. It is really challenging me. I am using a separate journal to do the work in and I feel I’m finding some of the blocks I have put up against the parts of me that want to express. And it is fun. I highly suggest finding and playing with this book.

Okay, I had better post this as I am getting distracted and don’t want midnight to surprise me again.



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