Tag Archive: F

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter F

Courtesy of my daughter. Thanks! She was going for a walk with Maggie, her dog. They saw a Family of Four Foxes.

She only captured the one. Isn’t he/she cute?
#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter G

Gratefully, I’m making strides on many levels. German is coming along. I’ve added more languages. I think 12 now. I doubt I will ever be conversant in most of them. But with two grandmothers who died from Alzheimer’s, I’m trying to keep my brain learning new things. LOTS OF NEW THINGS.

And I work both sides as much as I can. I have never been a left brained person so I do the Sudoku. I’ve nearly finished a whole book. I play math games.

Not quite this hard. Cross Math and Number Crush.

Music uses both sides, both hands. And that’s moving along, too.

Gradually the diamond paintings are coming along. I think these are mostly right-brained. The beach scene and the lighthouse cause my brain to relax and stay organized.

If you tap on the picture you can enlarge and see that I’m nearly finished.

This one is small. That is the only good thing. The glue is inconsistent, the symbols are hard to decipher. The drills are irregular. Still, both keep my hands busy.

One more thing I’m grateful for is

Gentle love and long adoring purring sessions between. Rosey and her favorite person. Grins and gratitude.

A-to-Z Challenge, F

A-to-Z Challenge

First time ever! Okay, so it wasn’t reaching a writing goal of 50k (should I say fifty K?). But I did complete my goal within the first few days of the month. I wanted to go through 15k (of fifteen K?) words. Wahoo! I did it! And I only have one chapter left to editing then I need to write part two of the book. I need to think about how much I think I can do realistically.

Turn in tomorrow to find out what I’ve finished. I feel like I have been flying. And I love Friday because of the Zoom with Friends. But then tomorrow won’t be the F day. It will be G. Yikes! What will that stand for?

Will you look at that time! It is nearly midnight and I still needed to get a few more words on the blog before turning off the computer.

What the

Day is it or was it? #WDIIA

I think it was Monday. But all things went weird. I was supposed to be at a Zoom meeting at 6 but on my calendar, it was set for 7. So I got there as everyone was getting ready to leave. Then I talked to my Friday Friend and that screwed up my brain even more.

I wanted to get this in before midnight to get counted in the right place but at least today I did the Fiery Cross review so I was able to get in on the count. I think I may have blogged every day for a year but all that shows up is 140 days as I did it so often after midnight. Grrr! No, that is tomorrow’s letter.

And so my Fine Feathered or Furry or Frustrated human Friends, the Count of CampNaNo is still a day or two behind, at 7,828 words. I should be at 10,002. Maybe I’ll catch up tomorrow. And I’ll try to summarize for you the crazy antics my characters are up to.

Okay, time to get the URLs fixed on the page so credit goes where credit is due,

This #AtoZChallenge is brought to you by the letter F. Which I hardly used due to late-night Fuzzy head! Hope you are all safe and staying healthy!



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