Tag Archive: fibro flares

Throw Away Thursday

Naps and bingeing on the last two episodes of Vampire Diaries. I am still nearly brain dead and not sure if I am up to making the long blog that the adventures of yesterday and the meanderings in vampireville want told. The previous weird sentence brought to you by fibro-fog. It is similar to the feelings you get when catching the flu, or maybe a case of hangover. That one I have never experienced just heard about from many people.

How do you regular bloggers do this on your off days? I do have plenty to say about Kali’s adventures on the bus and Bend. I just want to do it justice and learn what I can about how good it was and how to improve our next experience, if my body can recover.

'When you get on the bus, you should go somewhere instead of just riding all day.'

And I learned a lot from Vampire Diaries that I wanted to record for myself and see what others have felt. I don’t know if any of you remember but I used to find Vampires, Zombies, and Werewolves and the like just silly. But I have learned that they are actually vehicles to character and plot development.

I just don’t have enough in me right now to manage the thoughts I want to put out there. I’ll hit these on the next couple of days. Needless to say, I am alive and have a lot to share. So is Kali. I can’t say the same for all Vampires.

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The Day After

A decade ago a day like yesterday would have kept me high for a week. That high would have had me working outside or doing anything and everything with the extra energy. But this darn fibro leaves me exhausted for a week if I get one fun day. Not only exhausted but hurting so much I can barely move. I napped a lot today. I’ve downed Advil and have been in general very grouchy. It’s amazing how little I could do and how grumpy I got about it all! The only exercise I had yesterday was standing by the table while we all chatted about hats and where they are going.

The only exercise I had yesterday was standing by the table while we all chatted about hats and where they are going. Even as a young adult I found standing in one place excruciating. It was why I had to give up cosmetology. I loved doing hair, the longer and fancier the better but standing… I long for the chemical smells of a beauty shop. It is why I do my own hair. The chemical high. That and I love how it looks when I’m done.

So I didn’t add much to my new projects. In case you’re curious here are the latest:


That’s Fun Fur and a soft Red Heart mixed. It’s an easy e-wrap hat. If I have enough of the two yarns I will add a brim to keep out the sun.


This is my first attempt at socks. I’m making them for my brother. He doesn’t have to walk 8 miles round trip to work anymore but since I got the yarn for that purpose I thought I should go ahead and try. I didn’t work on them today, no energy, thereby less eye sight and even less patience.

Off I go to slather in Icy Hot and go to bed. No more energy, no more brain. Nighty-night.

Service Dog


It suddenly occurred to me today how I can help Kali not be left at home alone. She has separation anxiety and will tear up the place if left alone. That was why her MamaLaura (my daughter) had to giver Kali to me. She had to go to work and leave the poor pup alone. We are retired so there is almost always someone here so she is never alone. But should I need to go to the city (an hour and a half away) on the senior bus it might be that she wouldn’t be happy. But there might be a time when I need to go to the doctors or something.

So I was looking at this page: United States Service Dog. Has anyone done this? It says I don’t need a doctor’s note though I could probably find my doctors who put me on disability ages ago. She does help me feel better just by being so cute! She’s been well trained as far as simple commands. I think she’d do well on the bus just sitting with me and giving me the pain distractions I need to get through the rough part of the trip.

It is very beautiful (scenic) to see but the road itself is so full of potholes and my tailbone usually hurts so bad by the time we get to town that I can barely walk. After a full day, coming home is even worse, especially if it is dark and I have nothing to distract me from the pain that is so unbearable that I have to sit straight up and not lean back. Then it starts hurting my whole back. Once I am home I feel crippled for a week. It sets off huge fibro flares that make me worthless to do anything but sleep.

Look, I know that having the dog with me won’t prevent a lot of that pain, but it may make it a little easier to deal with. Does that make sense?

Now I just need to figure out how to afford it. I’d love her to have the vest and all, but even the basic (just a certificate and ID card) is $69. Is this a good idea or am I on another wild goose chase that wouldn’t help either of us and money out for nothing????? Are there things I need to think about that maybe others have gone through? It seems like a win-win idea but maybe I am being naïve?

The winds dried up a lot of the water. The rest froze. It would seem life is better. But the barometric pressure is doing the rollercoaster thing. When that happens and I start flaring the only thing I can think to do is nap.

Here is my napping partner after I got up and came back to bed–cover hogger!


and couldn’t resist the close-up:


Who could resist this face?

Ugh! Weather!

Just to make a blog about it–I’m not blogging today. The weather is hurting me. I’m going to curl up in that corner over there—–> and sleep and knit until I feel better. That’ll bring me to Stream of Consciousness Saturday. I expect a deluge!

Dar49 Daily.

Timeline Photos – Voices of Fibromyalgia.


Why I haven’t been active here the last few days.

Summer Countdown – Days Until Summer – Summer Countdown Widget. I missed three seasons due to fibro-flares. Here’s to another three that may be better due to my new meds: Gabapentin (300MG 3xday starting on Wednesday). I can only hope. Come back Summer! I wanted to play!

Introducing The Fibro Comfort Kit!.


Petualang Baru

Law that attracted me!

My transformation from outwardly rituals to internal mantra of sub conscious mind


unlock your dream doors

Sophia's Baseball Blog

I am a student who loves baseball. My goal is to become a professional sportswriter.

tiny hearts

binge thinking and other things in life

How Free is Free

How does a free blog site work when everything is tied to dollars? How do you create content without using proprietary themes when it seems even the colors and fonts are tied to upgrades for usage? Is it even possible? I hope to find out.


...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...


مجلة السلام الاكترونية


Senior Girl Is Here. Now Ready Set Go Read Me.

Wellness in our World

Navigating Health and Wellness in Today's World


System of thinking ( MIND )

Sentient Metaphysics

Spirituality And Psychic Development

Verse Voyager Books

Embark on Literary Journeys with Verses Unveiled.

The Wild Coach

The truth of the light and the light of the truth

Towards Good Life

Make your life more productive and feel free.