Tag Archive: first-reads

Drawing AutismDrawing Autism by Jill Mullin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received my book from FirstReads in the mail today: Feb 27, 2014 It is a very exciting looking book. I can hardly wait to sit and actually pour over the drawings and descriptions!

And here it is April 18, 2015. What took me so long? Why isn’t this a 5 star rating? FONT! If it were for the artwork and the inspiration I felt from them it would be worth 10 stars! But it took me months to get through the reading part. I just couldn’t read the tiny faded gray font. There are a couple pages at the beginning which are by Temple Grandin (Forward). I really wanted to read it as I was reading/read her book Thinking in Pictures. But I found I could only read it a line or two at a time. Even with magnifying glasses, or my large magnifying page reader. It took me a long, long time! The next two pages were by the editor Jill Mullin. I just finally gave up. My eyes were hurting so much! After the torture of the first few pages, I found I could get by, a page a day. The pictures were wonderful! But, again, it was the font explaining the artist or the work that nearly killed me.

Still, I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves art and are curious about those who think differently than yourself.

I found that I will have to make this part of my permanent collection as the pictures gave me ideas I’d like to try in my own artwork. BCID: 745-13301987

Thank you, First Reads at GoodReads.com for this win!

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My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Oh, I am so mad!!!!! I hate when this happens. I’m trying to clean up on books that have been sitting around for a long time. In this case, it was a Smashwords freebie. I know, what did I want for free? Nowhere did the ebook announce that it was a sample. I was reading along with the text-to-speech going. The indicator said I would finish this book in an hour. I thought it was a short story and I could free up a tiny amount of space if I read it. An hour later was an actual cliffhanger with the advertisement to get the real book on Amazon, Kobo, etc. So grumbling I clicked on the URL and saw that the real thing was actually FREE. Had it cost anything I would have backed away. But then the Amazon ad came up that I could get the Audible version for only $1.99. So I got it.

So far I kind of like the main character. I find it impossible that she and her sister had lived alone for so long and her not know how to hunt and fish. What have they been living off of? Then there is a tree that falls over from pushing it with her knife edge. TOO many impossible things. If she hadn’t ridden on the motor bike for a long time, what makes her think she can drive it at such horrendous speeds? Okay, I know, I should have suspended disbelieve and just enjoyed it as a tale.

I think I will let this one go at one star for now, let some time go by and come back in with the narrator helping me.

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Review: Ashes

Ashes by Linda Laforge
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I won this paperback version from First Reads giveaways on GoodReads.com Thank you!

This is the first ‘tree’ book I have read in a long, long time. Most of the time I have a hard time with font and line spacing and find myself frustrated and getting headaches. The font in this book was dark against white background and was large enough to allow short periods of reading. Still, I miss the text-to-speech help and the ability of instant dictionary lookup.

This book is strange. Science fiction gone wonky and scary. Maybe because of that it is best that I did take it in small doses. There is dystopia and questions of paranoia to keep you wondering what is really happening. But stay with it. The story is good, and very imaginative. I am so glad I read it.

On the downside, I think the book could use more editing as there are misspelled words and sentences that make no sense. It isn’t often enough to pull one out of the story but it is there. Oh, and without giving any spoilers, the lisping is the worst to read. The message given is strong and I think would stand better without that constant impediment.

Anyway, I think most sci-fi buffs will like this book, especially those who like apocalyptic dystopias.

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Review: A Silent Shore

A Silent Shore
A Silent Shore by E.J. Mack
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book has been sitting on my To Read shelf for so long that I had forgotten about it. I picked it from BookRooster.com. I don’t know why I chose it. There must have been something in the reviews or blurb that got me.

The book was okay. I see many five star reviews, so it must just be me. I liked the parts about Izzy and her mother, but the parts about the men-folk were just plain boring to me. Sorry. If you like books about deceit, power, and relationships that don’t work, then this is the book for you. Read other reviews for reasons why others loved it.

Oh, I guess I should add the plusses. I liked E.J. Mack’s writing style and her characters were believable.

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