Tag Archive: free-ebooks-net

Everything Belongs to UsEverything Belongs to Us by Yoojin Grace Wuertz

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

NetGalley gave me this book to read and review. Thank you.

Maybe it’s the busyness of the holidays or my usual ADD, but I found this book confusing. I must’ve read the first six chapters 5 times. Once I was understanding whose point of view I was reading, I found the story engaging enough. In fact, I wanted to know what was happening to the characters. But…

The ending was dull, the ending was cheap, and I felt like I had wasted my time. I wanted to feel that the characters had achieved at least the title of the book. But it just left me flat.

That said, taking my ADD and the holidays into consideration, maybe you will love this book. And maybe I need to read it again someday.

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TriptychTriptych by Java Davis

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In the GoodReads blurb, it says, “Triptych, a Mechanical Romance Tongue-in-cheek love triangle spanning from New Jersey to Arizona!” Let me show my stupidity here. I was able to get this ebook for free way back in 2012. Yikes! And I’m sorry it took so long for me to get at it. But in my own defense: The title didn’t grab me. That blurb line didn’t grab me. So it kept falling down me ‘read it’ list. And now that I have read it I find I don’t understand the title or that first line any better.

Having had it so long, it was hard for me to know where I got it from. I couldn’t find it on my Amazon or Smashwords lists. Finally, I located the email from GoodRead where the author, Java Davis, advertised her giveaway days for this book. Thank you, Ms. Davis. And I’m sorry it took so long.

As for the story itself, I found it fun and interesting. I found that Java was able to write interesting characters. The love triangle wasn’t as angsty as other books make it. These characters were established adults growing through the experiences of their lives. Even the less-savory people in this book were real and in that case rather likable. As in real life, there are people that just have a hard time figuring out how to be adults. There are others who are forced to grab life and do their best for others and themselves. That is proven once again in this story. Religion or philosophies are analysed as truths the characters lived by and how everyone can find something useful in another person’s point of view. There was no preaching. Just people adjusting to each other. I like that. I felt I learned something about life from these characters.

This was a fast read with depth. Here is where you can find it on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Triptych-ebook/… It is free for Kindle Unlimited and only $1.99 for the Kindle version. I think it is worth the read. Try it!

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