Are you a practical jokester?

No. I don’t like the kind of humor that makes another person look stupid. It is why I gave up watching Ellen. For the most part, I love her, but watching her terrify her guests or do tricks on them didn’t do anything for me.

Who cuts your hair?  You, a friend, or professional.

I do. I never like how the beauticians do it. I was a cosmetologist in my twenties. I quit because standing in one spot hurt my back and legs horribly. I still love cutting and coloring my own hair. I just wish I could take off my head and sit with it and fix it all up like we could the Gloria-heads we learned on so long ago. But if there are mistakes, heck, it grows and I can fix it later. I don’t have to look at it.

Ah, the memories flood my head and nose of the days working with this lady! I miss her!

By the way, here is what I use now as it is quicker and cleaner than scissors:

Did you have a stuffed animal when you were a kid, if so what kind?

Well, I had a bed full that looked something like this:

But my favorite looked something like this guy the last I remember of him:

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

Many things make me smile in a week and I appreciate so much. Why do I never write them down so when confronted with this question I have a ready answer?

I loved the snow we got last night. There are still patches tonight. I got to show my California son his new normal as it fell last night. Speaking of which, it is starting to look like I have a living room again. They aren’t finished with the move but it’s settling. Wish the living room were warmer so I could stay in there and work more. But summer is coming regardless of what the Starks say!

Thank you, Cee, for the inspiration and memories!