Tag Archive: Grammarly

Grammarly VS One-Liner

Well. There you go. It looks just like the corrections Grammarly gives me in my own writing. You all probably already see how I live on the run-on sentence. I try to fix it, but it is how I talk. I did not write the quote. That was a capture from a share on Facebook. And ‘is done’ is when the whole thing got underlined to be rewritten.

By the way, I used the Snipping Tool for that capture. I’m hoping others can see and read it better than my old eyes. Hopefully, you get the idea.

According to Linda G. HillYour Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “key.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!


The key to a good series is good editing. Hey, that sound professional, right? Yikes, how do you writers do this part? Since I finished writing in November I have chosen to keep at it by editing. I chose to move back into the novel I wrote for CampNaNo (April 2019?) Haven in 3D. It was going quite well. I opened the project in both yWriter and Word and used Grammarly to get me through. I may not have everything in the final order, there may be big plot bunnies running around. But at least it will not have glaring grammar or misspellings. After I correct a scene I copy it from Word and replace the one in yWriter so that it is also corrected.

I got as far as chapter 6. Then I had a mass of questions about past characters and planet issues. Did you hear the screech of the sudden slam on the brakes?

Where did I hide the novel about all of this? The title is Earth the Final Frontier. That project has over 92 thousand words according to the yWriter project and 99 thousand words in the Word version. Why the discrepancy? I haven’t figured that out yet. But I am pleased and proud that I have that many words in one novel anywhere!

So now, shifting gears I am into the first chapter of ETFF. When I get far enough to find said characters and can get back to Haven in 3D I will have rescued the key element.

I have a build-in amount of time I can put into editing. It seems to be four or five hours and then I am spent. I am done with words. I feel like Eliza Doolittle, “Words, words, words! I’m so sick of words!”

So the key to good editing is knitting! Bye! Now, where is that little hook-doohickey?

(You see what I did there? hehe)

Today? Editing!

What is worse than looking at a blank page?




I spent today editing my CampNaNo story, Haven in 3D. I don’t do it like the picture, though I think I might near the end. My process is: Open yWriter project. Open Word with the RTF of that project. Then I open Grammarly Pro. Though I don’t think I am down to the words but the actual overall story, why not fix what I can as I read?

After I have cleaned up a scene in Word, I copy and paste it back into the yWriter scene and move on to the next scene. I think I added 26 words. That was a surprise because at first, I was killing words left and right.  I spent from around noon to just an hour ago. I covered one chapter and two scenes from the next chapter. I needed to do this one to have all the information I needed for the one I just finished. It is fun to get back to the spring novel. It has all my favorite Haven characters. I can’t wait to get the series up for everyone to enjoy. It could just be me. I hope not. But if so I have had a fun time living part-time in another universe!


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