Tag Archive: gratitude

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 8th, 2024 is “gratitude.” Use the word “gratitude” any way you’d like. Have fun!

I am grateful for the prompt from Sadje click the blue gratitude. For the “rules” of JJIJ, click the other blue word. I am grateful for the WordPress family given to me starting with Linda, Sadje and so many others. Everyone is ready to help, lend support, or laugh with.

I love all of you!

I feel such gratitude for all my family and friends who surround me with love.

This is kind of a weird thing to be thankful for, but I’m thankful for what we learned from the pandemic. Zooming church and friends is a wonderful way to enhance our lives.

Oh, and I’m grateful for our snow. Except I couldn’t make it to my doctor’s appointment. But, hey, we are Zooming an appointment tomorrow.

Tomorrow we’re going to get a lot more snow. We really need the precipitation.

Just Jot it January 2023, and it’s brought to you by Carol Anne. Thank you, Carol Anne! Please be sure to visit Carol Anne’s blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there, if you’re not already.

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 15th 2023, is “gratitude.” Use the word “gratitude” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Gratitude grows with age. At least it has for me. From the days of birthing babies until they grew into wonderful adults that feeling of lucky and blessed has grown with them.

Now having just turned 73, I find so much in every hour to be grateful for. I think I’m most thankful that I am still learning every day. But health seems to be growing and my life is full of love. What more could one want?

For all of you!

Socks done. Now the hard part, getting them in the mail.
Dragon nearly growling off the page!

Not as much done on the writing. Pretty tired from stress, long drives, actual surgery, so I mostly vegged

Scrappy socks for charity.

Reading. I’m having to learn to track, or figure out which glasses help best. And I won’t know for a month. So Audible and Text-to-speech is still my friends. BUT, standing in front of the mirror winking first right eye then left eye, the surprise is that my left eye sees my reflection better than the old favorite my right eye.

My new big E. At first I couldn’t see the numbers with my left eye. Well, before surgery it was a blotch on the wall. It’s about 10 feet from my recliner. My ‘good’ eye, the right still sees it, even the second hand. But gradually poor weak but refurbished left eye sees the numbers now. YAY! This is quite the adventure!

Beautiful Sunset

I wish my phone captured these as my eyes see them.

72, 27, 9

And birthday snow!

How many of you do the digital reverse or add the digits together?

But I’m pretty happy about my actual age. I feel blessed to have lived this long when others didn’t get to travel with me. And my goal is the next prime number.

And the white dusting on the porch and driveway are making my birthday magical.


Since the wee hours of the morning we’ve had rain. It may be humid, there were lightning strikes but enough rain to put out the starts. We even lost electricity.

Even so thank you for the rain dances and prayers. This has been so glorious!


Today on my Zoom, I was told it was my dad’s birthday. Now I don’t know how I could have Zoomed my dad. Even in the days when we share the family home, he couldn’t understand the internet or computers. He hasn’t been with us for over a decade. Wonder if they have Zoom in Heaven? If so, I have a bunch of folk I’d love to chat with. Starting with the others in this 4 generation both ways picture.

Being the oldest cousin on one side and third oldest on the other, I was lucky. I remember both great-grandmothers on both sides. There is a lot of love and laughter I feel when I absorb this picture in my heart.

Happy birthday, Dad. And Mom, though a couple weeks late.

Thankfully Tuesday

After a very busy Monday: bone density scan then shopping and driving two hours both ways on roads that make it feel much longer and more painful than my recent six hour drives, and breathing smoke for weeks, this:

Beautiful rain.


2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “the last thing you put in your fridge.” Start your post with the last thing you put in your fridge. Let your mind wander from there. Enjoy!

The last thing I put in my fridge was the ranch dressing that fell out because the last person who put it in didn’t make sure it was in there securely. I wanted to complain, but I am very grateful for a full fridge. We have been blessed this month with a little extra on our cards, and so when we got the boxes, the cabinets and fridge are full. In my life, that has hardly ever been the case. Not that I have ever been hungry. But just enough that I can find what I need in the fridge is the usual scene. I am so glad my husband is starting to like my vegetarian ways. Yes, he eats some meat but very seldom. My son does the same thing buying the occasional tofu meal. He loves Kimchi. I tried to cook it a lot once I learned about it. I make the rice and veggies on the side and make sure to fry the tofu to crispie-ish. The trouble with the lockdown is that we don’t get into town to find the Kimchi. I think I will try to order some on Amazon.

Yay! Got me some Kimchi, noodles, a cooker, and tofu coming. My mouth is drooling!

Okay, now for the NaNo word count: 35,167, still barely above the goal of 35,007 but, I’m happy. I like how the story is going. Not sure I should share until I am more sure where it is going. I’m having fun. That’s all that counts.

I didn’t have a finished product yesterday for Finished Friday. I had one slipper sock done, and while chatting with my friends, I nearly finished the other. Boom! Done today!

And I have the next pair toed and ready to make the next pair.

Sad Sunday

I love it when family and friends come to visit. I absolutely turn to jello and can’t find my keys to the new-to-me car I’m so sad.


Then I spend the ride home thinking about the good feelings of no bra, no shoes, and sweatpants. And fish and chips. And a wonderful newish car. I look at it and even though I am comfortable and self-soothed, and Kali snuggles, I miss the daylights out of my family and friends. Even the recommended Daylight Savings Time nap didn’t take away that sad.

Back to life as we know it. Watching Doc Martin season 9 while knitting and snuggles. I am feeling grateful for all the love, happiness, and health that surrounds me. I wish it for all of you, too!


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