Tag Archive: H

A-Z Challenge, H

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter H

Hair. Let’s talk about hair. I was a cosmetologist. I loved doing hair. But my body, back, and legs hated standing all those hours. So, I quit doing hair. Still, when I pass a salon, I swoon at the chemical smells that represent the fun I used to have. I know it wasn’t all that good for me or even the clients, but the artistry of building something nice kept me in pain as long as I could handle it. Wow. That was 53 years ago!

But then, four kids, many other jobs, and hair were left behind—until my daughter and son-in-love’s wedding. That costume wedding called for something different. I knew being a witch was easy and not far from my personality (hehehe), but my then short pixie cute didn’t do the costume justice. So I bought a cheap long blond hair wig.

I didn’t like the long, thick bangs, so I cut it to my bang size. It was too heavy, and I am not adept at wigs yet, so it came off after the wedding. I still want to work with it. Thinning it all over should help. I might even cut it. By the way, I tried to link it, but instead of this look, there was a short, flippy, curly wig in its place.

Now that the pixie is growing out, I’m really sick of my hair. It goes into a ponytail but sticks straight out and is only 2 inches long. And you know where the ear parts were cut out for the pixie? The hole is still there, and I don’t want to cut the hair around it, as it will be shorter again. Ugh! So I ordered some messy bun hair pieces. I had hoped I’d get them by yesterday so the alphabet and my hair would match up. But who expects that? NOT ME! So here is what I ordered:

I don’t know how it will turn out on my hair, but it looks like a fun alternative to the weird poky-outy pony or just boring downess with that Patty Duke flip my hair seems prone to since I was in high school.

UPS says Thursday, so I’ll let you know how it works out soon. I might find an Emoji to match the updo.

A to Z Challenge, H

How has this day escaped me? Ooh! Look at that, without even trying, I’ve used the letter! I usually do Make It or Made It Monday, but I just put all the projects away. And, yes, that was what kept me busy. The slipper socks I was making for me were disturbingly messed up. So I had to tink back down past the boo-boos. It was slow and boring, so I watched Knives Out and the Glass Onion while ripping the slipper to a workable place. Hey, those were fun! I didn’t expect to like them. I don’t like murder mysteries. But these are about a lot more than murder. Unfortunately, you have to rent Knives Out from Amazon. But you don’t need to watch Knives Out to watch Glass Onion.

This evening I decided I needed something in the background. I absolutely hate this show for all the intrigue and meanness. But the music is so captivating that I couldn’t help myself but buy the sheet music and hope to try to play it someday.

Somehow I need to get the area around my piano open so I can play again. Right now, it is holding the broken treadmill that we still haven’t gotten the people to do what they should about it.

Happy Monday!

A2Z CampNaNo H 20190409

Healing hill. That’s what they’re callin’ it.” A voice in her head was telling her. She looked around her and knew this was her first dream ever. This was the hill she happened upon when she landed on Xeno. The woman who was talking looked every bit the housewife she’d seen illustrated in the magazines the humans brought from Earth. But she seemed a part of a herd of humans and other beasts. They just roamed the hillside, eating grass or conversing in little cliques. This particular woman held a hen in her arms and stroked it like it was a kitten. “If you are here, you might be hurt or handicapped in some way. There used to be a hospital for people like us, but the government said it did more harm than good. The fact that the government was harmful enough without trying to kill those of us who had problems.”

“So I’m still on Xeno? What’s your name?”

“Yes, still here. Isn’t it a shame that even in your dreams you can’t leave. Oh, they call me Henrietta, because…” She held up her hen. “She came up to me one night and just stayed. guess life is hard even for her kind here.”

At that moment they heard a horn. “Oh, that’s the gathering horn. We have to gather up and be counted. We used to try and hide during these counts. But those that didn’t show up, when found were treated with a heavy hand. They would be beaten hard. Many didn’t make it out alive. This life isn’t the holiday it appears to be. Our bones pave the highway back to that hellhole George Goodman created.”

As they gathered, Ora was torn. She wanted to hide but how would being dead help her and this planet or Haven? They heard a buzzing. It looked like a toy helicopter hovering above. Then it flew away.

“That was them counting us. That thing has a camera.” Henrietta explained. Ora was going to ask a question when she heard a noise that didn’t fit the scene. It sounded like someone knocking. That’s when she woke up.


That was the first scene I wrote yesterday. I thought the A2Z was a daily thing, but I learned that we get Sundays off. The good of that is I’m a day ahead in the A2zs.

BUT, the problem for me is that CampNaNo takes no days off without getting behind in the count. If you don’t write at least 1,666 words a day you will find it hard to catch up. I know people that seem to be able to do the catching up easily. But for me, it is pure torture. Even today, I’m having trouble with the next part of the story because I’ve forgotten much of what this section is based on in my book, Earth the Final Frontier. I’m making a lot of callbacks to the friends I created. I wrote it five or six years ago. But I forgot who knows and who isn’t there. So I better get back to re-reading and furious writing. Ahead, yet behind. Sounds like a timey-wimey thing to me. By the way, at my latest count, I have 13,691. Today I should end on 14.994 but I will try to push to 15,000. And I need to do my languages on Duolingo. Grabbing my coat and hat, see ya later!

#A to Z Challenge–H

Hosanna Day

I don’t mean this in a disrespectable way. Just a thought I woke up with. I was raised in Southern California. When I lived there I saw no use in the palm trees. They offer no shade in the triple digit heat. I miss those silly trees now.

Then there is the animal whose name is used in derogatory ways. But they are the sweetest of animals. Both palm and donkey are brought out and exalted on this day. Helps on think there is hope for everyone and everything at one time or another.

Sorry to be late to the H party of the #AtoZChallenge.




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