Tag Archive: hair

A-Z Challenge, H

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter H

Hair. Let’s talk about hair. I was a cosmetologist. I loved doing hair. But my body, back, and legs hated standing all those hours. So, I quit doing hair. Still, when I pass a salon, I swoon at the chemical smells that represent the fun I used to have. I know it wasn’t all that good for me or even the clients, but the artistry of building something nice kept me in pain as long as I could handle it. Wow. That was 53 years ago!

But then, four kids, many other jobs, and hair were left behind—until my daughter and son-in-love’s wedding. That costume wedding called for something different. I knew being a witch was easy and not far from my personality (hehehe), but my then short pixie cute didn’t do the costume justice. So I bought a cheap long blond hair wig.

I didn’t like the long, thick bangs, so I cut it to my bang size. It was too heavy, and I am not adept at wigs yet, so it came off after the wedding. I still want to work with it. Thinning it all over should help. I might even cut it. By the way, I tried to link it, but instead of this look, there was a short, flippy, curly wig in its place.

Now that the pixie is growing out, I’m really sick of my hair. It goes into a ponytail but sticks straight out and is only 2 inches long. And you know where the ear parts were cut out for the pixie? The hole is still there, and I don’t want to cut the hair around it, as it will be shorter again. Ugh! So I ordered some messy bun hair pieces. I had hoped I’d get them by yesterday so the alphabet and my hair would match up. But who expects that? NOT ME! So here is what I ordered:

I don’t know how it will turn out on my hair, but it looks like a fun alternative to the weird poky-outy pony or just boring downess with that Patty Duke flip my hair seems prone to since I was in high school.

UPS says Thursday, so I’ll let you know how it works out soon. I might find an Emoji to match the updo.

Ta-Da Tuesday

Wow! It’s already a Tuesday! This week has been BUSY!

A pair getting ready for their heels.

More Diamond Painting happened. I’m so happy my friends got me into it.

Haircutting is calling. This bob is getting to me. Maybe another pixie?

26 degrees and snow tonight. Tomorrow night single digits. Glad our bedrooms are warm!


Would you rather live where it is always hot or always cold?

Hot. I have learned to like the snow but I prefer hot so I can swim. I miss swimming so much! Here we have a dry heat so all we need even when it is triple digits, is just a fan, a swamp cooler might be nice but we got along okay last summer on just fans. Now to find a pool.

Do you prefer long hair or short hair for yourself? 

I prefer long hair because I can put it up in a pony or bun if it gets hot. Short hair just takes too much upkeep as it starts growing.

What is your favorite month of the year?

July. August starts getting too hot and June isn’t warm enough. I have learned to like other seasons now, but warm doesn’t hurt like the other seasons.

What is the easiest way for your to learn something new?  By reading, by seeing and doing, in a classroom?

I wish YouTube had been around for most of my life. I love being able to watch someone do something and then follow through doing it too. It is how I learned my loom knitting. I do well with written instructions but with my tracking problem only getting worse I think watching and being able to rewind and watch over and over helps a lot.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Sometimes a person just has to be grateful for breathing in and out and then see through a calm mind all the good in their lives, family, friends, a roof over my head, plenty to eat and drink, puppy and kittens–and I don’t mean Zombies for those that watch Z Nation.

I have a bunch of books from the e-library that came in so I look forward to reading those and finishing my Bate’s Motel binge. I didn’t realize how much I was going to like it. It isn’t like Psycho, all horror. It is seeing the crazy in that whole town of folks with some really good ones mixed in.

Thank you, Cee, of Cee’s Photography, for setting up some really good prompt questions. Please check out her site, it is fantastic!

I just finished another hat using fun fur with a soft Red Heart, yellow. I added a brim in the leftover yellow using Scarlett Royal’s method. Since I still don’t have a mannequin head–dummy head? I used my own.

I just did the e-wrap until time for the brim. Funny part is that I found it looks better inside out as the little confetti look better on the ‘purl’ side. This is a fun hat to wear!


These last two I discovered that the hat could be worn inside out with the brim rolled up.


Oh, and I colored my hair and I love how it turned out!

How to Braid Hair: Learn How to Do the Most Popular Hair Braiding Styles. Learn How to Braid Your Own Hair, How to Do a French Braid, How to French Braid Your Own Hair, How to Dutch Braid it and More!
How to Braid Hair: Learn How to Do the Most Popular Hair Braiding Styles. Learn How to Braid Your Own Hair, How to Do a French Braid, How to French Braid Your Own Hair, How to Dutch Braid it and More! by Karen A. Reid
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Well, I’m certainly glad I didn’t buy this book. For this visual learner the written instructions had me lost most of the time. The pictures were very vague, and few. The only saving grace for this book was the collection of YouTube links to watch instructions to braiding hair. To tell the truth I got to where I was just skimming the words to get to the next picture. So this was almost a useless read. I don’t feel any closer to knowing how to do the harder braids than I was before.

If you do well with written instructions this might be a book for you. For me? Meh.

View all my reviews


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