Tag Archive: happy

Mobile Monday

Just a quickie to let you know I’m off to see family and friends. Yay! I’ll try to check in every day but I knew today would be hardest with seven hours in the car. But even that will be fun visiting with my son and daughter and almost daughter today and part of tomorrow.

Last night the offspring camped. My oldest and I visited with them but didn’t want to camp. So we drove home.

Gnarly old trees
More gnarly old trees
The view was fantastic!
Got all 20!

There is no lack of generosity. There is an abundance, borrowing from yesterday’s prompt. Look at how hard everyone tried to make sure everyone knew that we wished for the best holidays for friends and family on Facebook. I actually developed a bit of ‘wishing weariness.’ Did you?

Don’t get me wrong, with the isolation we’ve dealt with over the last couple years with lack of hugs and touch, we want to reach out to our loved ones. But after I post ‘Happy {fill in the blank}’ then friends answer on my feed with similar greeting. Then you see them posting another greeting and then the quandary starts. At what level of wishing do we stop wishing? I mean, in your heart you still hope for everyone’s best everything. But I got off Facebook after the 25th and then the 1st, just to find real life again. When do we stop wishing Happy New Year? June?

I figured generosity begins at home. My eyes and greetings should hit my housemates and fur babies. Ah, but then I worried that I hadn’t wished generously enough. Sigh…

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 4th, 2022, is “generosity.” Use the word “generosity” any way you’d like. Have fun!

All’s Good Sunday 20190310

If you are seeing this, it is because I am writing this on my Acer that is now working again. This is my inner spirit:

So today was about starting the next hat on a bigger loom.

Sorry I can lighten the picture as my old editor isn’t here. The brim is too dark in this picture. But it is almost the length that I fold it up and continue the hat.

Happy Sunday, everyone!



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