Tag Archive: Haven

Per Linda: Your prompt for JusJoJan January 2nd 2023, is “constellation.” Use the word “constellation” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Thanks, Willow, for today’s prompt. Click on her name to check out her blog.

Look at all those stars!

As Van Gogh illustrated it seems they are in motion. And they blink in and out. Magical. Even when we know the science behind the beauty. We are in awe.

As a young person, I gazed at the stars and learned the names of the constellations you would think that my favorite would be the archer. Sagittarius, after all. But I gravitated to the serpentine creature between the big bear and little bear. Draco. I could hear him call to me.

One day he joined the constellation of characters in my books. There are nearly as many dragons in the books I write as there are people. Dragons can teach, transfer in time and space, form living areas for everyone when the planet surface becomes uninhabitable due to meteors falling.

Best of all, dragons are a reflection of our inner being. That’s why my favorite dragon is Enelrad. Her mate is Sirch.

We can be brave and fly between bears (or the stars). We can fly between the constellations.

Someday I will be able to publish Haven’s stories.



I received a box in the mail. I was expecting yarn to make her socks. But my cousin sent this wonderful dragon. I’ve now named it after her and will make sure she flies in my next Havenverse book!

I would have been equally excited for yarn. I love soft yarn and making socks!

But Haven has Her way into my writing one way or another!

Thank you, Terrina!

Zoom and YouTube Day

Do any of you have a Wattpad account? I have had my first book, Haven, up for critique there. It can also be found here on this site. That is only the first four chapters. The whole novel is on Wattpad. I would love to get constructive feedback.

Anyway, the reason for this post isn’t to plug said novel but to tell about my day. You see, Wattpad and NaNoWriMo had an editing tutorial. It was called Edit Smart, Not Perfect: How to Polish Your Best Work Yet. I don’t know if this link will work, but I got to watch the Zoom here.

It was quite informative, and I hope they will put it on YouTube, so it is more accessible for all. If any of you find it at another site, let me know, and I’ll fix what I put here.

Anyway, that is how I started my morning. About the time that was over, I got to Zoom with my friends for our usual Friday meeting.

After a fun long chat, I decided to go watch the DuoCon. If you have Duolingo, you might be interested in watching this:

So I am even more motivated to edit my novels and keep going on my multiple languages. I have so many things I am into right now that I am trying to figure how to fit everything in a day or week. Life is exciting and quite the adventure!

Bitmoji Image

Last time I saw this picture was in July last year. Oops! I haven’t colored in a long time! But today I finished using pens and crayons. I didn’t like the story they presented. I have a Marina in my latest Haven book so I rewrote the bottom. Which is nudging me to make the next story about Marina. I really like her and I think she has a lot to offer. My Marina has short blonde hair but I suppose she enjoys wigs or can grow it out now that she has been gene-popped with the other Havenites.

So now I have the beginnings of an outline for JuNoWriMo! Thank you Linda, for tickling the muses and getting me back to enjoying the escaping!

Here’s the next pic in that book. I hope I can hit this before mid-month for a change! It really helps to play with the crayons and colors!

I don’t like the idea of swords or knights or other things attacking my dragons, but this may well happen in the next book! Woe be to those who attempt to kill my Haven dragons!

Thank you, Linda G. Hill, for this fun prompt. I am always happy when I join in the fun of the Escapist Coloring Club

A to Z Challenge, H

Hello from CampNaNoWriMo!

How did I get here and why do I do it? Have you found yourself unable to quit something? I started writing a NaNo my first novel written in 30 days in which you should write 50,000 words, starting in November of 2001, post 9/11/2001. I was on the train commuting to work in Irvine, CA. I remember feeling deep sorrow and the thought, If only there was a peaceful planet out there, or some such wish. I couldn’t finish in November as we were getting ready to move. I did continue with the story between the Ides of March to the Ides of April. That planet gave me the name: Haven. This many years later I am still writing on the series that has taken over my life. I can’t even count how many novels I have worked on. I think it is about 15 now. As in the beginning I may start something in November, writing my heart out, mostly reaching the 50K but rarely do I reach the words ‘The End’. Spring brings me back to finish or edit. None of the books are ready for others to read. I may be great at throwing out the words and enjoying the story as it is revealed to me. Editing is not my specialty.

Having once again to be pulled in, this time with Pandamapocalypse that I wrote in 2020, is my Camp NaNo project. I am editing what I’ve written. Then my goal is to find ‘The End’ before the end of April. As of today I have edited through 20,360 words. I am getting to the part of writing near the end of November. The plot is missing nearly entirely and the words are mostly written for prompts. So a new outline is needed and figuring out where things go, then rewriting to give it all a cohesive feel. My heroes are doing their best to jump through the plot holes but I need to help them. I hope Haven gives me a hand as it is horrid hanging out in this writer’s hell. Soon I will join NaNoFinMo to learn hints to finish my novel.


Meanwhile, Hello and have a happy weekend!


On the main page at the top is the title Haven 1-4. If you go there you will find I have added 5-8. Or you can go here. HAVEN  I am going to try and get the whole story up here. But still, need to keep editing Pandamapocalypse.

Oh, and I finished these slipper socks and started the next pair. I know! I had a lot of that yarn!


Last of the word count: WriteItNow reported to me that I had 80,129. I know I started with 25K from my CampNaNo experience in March. NaNoWriMo gives the goal of 50K. My goal then was 75K.  I increased my yWriter by finding the missing chapters and scenes and my RTF in Word, where I found others missing from the other two programs. I think as I go through the edit and fixing yWriter7 problems, I will find the missing bits. Once I have everything moved from the unstable (for me) to Scrivener and a new Word file, I will feel this book complete. It is weird to think, ‘Did I write a scene with … or was it a dream?’ And then to find it again is like Christmas!

I will continue today’s writing as I have a scene that is dancing in my head. Then I will start that scene by scene editing and possible rewriting. I am not tired of this story or the characters. I hope someday others might like it. My first four chapters of the first book, Haven, can be found here. The whole book is here. I was a new writer, but the characters and the sentient planet have been my life for nearly two decades!



NaNo Update/Word Count

Wow! It took me all day to finally get to the writing. I had wanted to do another character development. But the snow and distractions of the day kept me from the actual book part. I really didn’t get anything I planned done. I didn’t plan on a sink of dishes, which usually doesn’t happen around here because everyone takes care of their own dishes. But I got there to make my lunch and rather than sit and wait for my veggie patty and quesadilla to microwave, I did them. Kudos me!

I think my biggest distraction was this:

Front yard, back yard. We thought it was done. And even though the temperature was 28 degrees, the snow was melting in the driveway and street. But suddenly we got more.

Oh, but there was CBS Sunday Morning, which we didn’t get to until about 2:30 PM. I had caught the UU service on Zoom earlier. Meandered the stations while waiting for my husband to be free to watch the Sunday Morning and found Nightmare Before Christmas. I already watched it on Halloween but I love the music so I let that play while I knitted a hat. (I think that one will be finished tomorrow)

Of course, it isn’t Sunday without Zombies. So we watched last week’s Talking Dead, then this week’s Fear of the Walking Dead and Walking Dead World Beyond. I don’t know. I love the Talking Dead the best. I like the making of any show better than the show. It is when you see how much goes into a show that it stops being something you can judge and becomes a work of art. Make-up, cameras, directors, actors, all pulling together to make something to eat popcorn to. Humbling isn’t it. I would give you a review of these but I am reserving that until I see where the two series are going.

So finally, I was ready to write. The living room was so cold, even with the little radiant heater on 6, the highest, and me in my three layers, I didn’t think I could wiggle my fingers enough to warm up. So I took my stuff (it takes two trips!), to the bedroom and got set up in here. I hate sitting on my bed. It is an uncomfortable desk or place to knit. But it is warmer. We put on Pandora and played Celtic Women station. It is the best music to have in the background. Peppy and I don’t know the words so I don’t end up singing and not typing or typing the words into the story.

Today’s scene was on Haven. Since I am reading the first book a little at a time to my writing group, I am reliving my first characters landing there. So my newest character, who can now dragon, popped to Haven and is learning about the zoo and wishes and about the healing there. I learned so much more about Einstein the gorilla who can do sign language. And I never knew Fuzzy Wuzzy the elephant could fingerspell with the best of them. Oh, and he loves to read! Who knew? His favorite books are Dumbo, of course! And Haven helps him to fly! And

The Elephant Whisperer (Young Readers Adaptation): My Life with the Herd in the African Wild Lawrence Anthony  I’d never read it. I decided I need to know what my elephant character know so I bought the audio version with a credit. It sounds really good!

Then Violet met someone I never met in the zoo on Haven before: Ethel (I think will be her name) the giant tortoise. She communicates very slowly and Violet has to concentrate very hard so as not to be rude. She actually finds that this reptile can calm her brain and they fall in love with each other’s spirits.

Then, of course, Violet is hungry and learns of Haven’s way of granting wishes.

So much more. As you know the goal is to write 1,667 a day. The goal for today would be  13,336. The story was so much fun I manage 1,914 words bringing my total to date: 14,766. Yay! Me!

Look I know the frustration of sitting in front of the blank page and not getting any words. I know when that happened I type out gripes and complaints and whine. But this time, my characters are leading the way and I only have to type. Which is hard enough with fingers that forget to spell the easiest of words!

So now I am going to put the laptop away and listen to a book while knitting. Hopefully, I will get to sleep before 3AM!

Haven Chapters 1-4

Just added chapter four to Haven. The whole book can be found on Wattpad.

So, I think I am getting my stride back. Without losing a second, here are my first few paragraphs from the first scene I’m writing tonight.


Seeing their counterpart joining each other and singing, the dragons did the same. Screeching, squealing, nearly screaming would more define the sound of the dragons but their riders were delighted. They pretended to conduct the trio into harmonics most humans would never tolerate. But the girls were thrilled. They too started singing in the most dissonant way. They could feel the vibrations between the bubbles ripping. They could hear each other better and better. Soon they could run to each other and swing their bodies onto the backs of their dragon friends, and they soared skyward wishing to never see this beach ever again.

Looking down onto the people on the beach they realized they couldn’t leave. They still needed to help humans save their elfish spacemen. They figured if they took the creatures to Haven, they could actually bring the elves back to life. So each dragon picked up the dead and blinked to Haven.

The second they landed on Haven they realized their mistake. Haven still wasn’t in charge, and the cousins’ mothers were still as dead.


Sorry to leave you on such a sad note. There is a promise that what we see isn’t so, but that needs to be worked out. Haven in 3D is the title and is a sequel of Haven the first book I wrote in 2001 and can be found on Wattpad.

I’m sorry if this is confusing. I know the story I’m telling, and even knowing the whole picture I am still working out the bits. Mostly I am trying to get out my 1,667 words a day to make it to 50K by the 30th of this month. I currently have 33,734. My goal is to hit today 36,652. CampNaNo is challenging to say the least!

The last few days have been horrid health-wise. My allergies and fibro are fighting for me to be sleeping 24/7 instead of having a working brain and tapping fingers. I’ve even started drinking coffee at night, and yet I sleep and not write!

Hopefully, you all had a good Holy Day/Easter. I have to admit that I’m glad I didn’t have eggs to boil and color or high energy kids jumping about. Been there, done that, t-shirt and all. Our neighbor’s chickens have been visiting lately so we have possible broods getting ready. I love his hens and the gorgeous rooster and our black and white speckled girls seem to like the company.

Look how much I wrote here! Why am I not getting that many words over in yWriter? (I’m doing okay. Just complaining. Sorry) Well, I won’t if I don’t get over there and continue typing! See ya all tomorrow!


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