The GoddessesThe Goddesses by Swan Huntley

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Y A W N! Think nearly break your jaw joints! And what a shame! The description made it sound like fun women finding their inner goddesses. I think their inner goddesses fled mid-book. I thought with this ‘new start’ taking place in Hawaii it would at least give scenery and traditions and history a good read.

Alas. No. There were nods but not enough to make up for the lack of character development or plot with any interesting thing happening.

I started to love the yoga instructor, but she wasn’t allowed her own reigns. She seemed to have something going but how she would choose that boring housewife to hang with was beyond me. Neither women grew, at all. And the ending was so disappointing. It felt like the author didn’t want the story to be told the way it wanted so she forced the story into strange convolutions.

The only thing I like about this book is its title and description. Too bad it didn’t live up to either.

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