And what do pictures of horses, deer, and scenery of rolling sagebrush with the occasional purple flowers have to do with a dentist? Well, let me share a few pictures and then get back to the story. By the way, I didn’t capture pics but these Pixabay dot coms come close.

Though the trip was long with little to look at except the sagebrush there were the occasional fun sights. And once there, and somehow we made it on time, I loved meeting the office staff and the dentist herself. She was science and recited all the sciencey things about my teeth and what needed to be done for my best health. They had a wrap-around x-ray that was so interesting to see all parts of the skull and even down into the neck. Sinus cavities and leftover wisdom tooth parts, and so much more. Doctor Michelle Crabtree was so wonderful!

What is interesting is that though Burns is about as close to us as Bend Oregon, it seemed a longer trip. Maybe because the scenery didn’t change as drastic as as the Bend trip. The Burns trip made me think about how time works faster for us these days. I thought how the trip might have been for those in the covered wagons. They didn’t measure it in minutes like we do. They measured in days. When I forgot for a few minutes that I had an appointment within the hours I could let the scenery evolve naturally. It was so beautiful.

Hooked on Classics got us by as vocal music was hard to hear with the windows down. Blast from the past 1982ish?

So… Hope you had a great day, too!

sleep tight