Tag Archive: horses

Horses: Amazing Photos and Facts about ThemHorses: Amazing Photos and Facts about Them by DC Waits

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was looking for visual inspiration for my NaNoWriMo. It is about equine type people and I thought the more pictures I could look at the better. This served the purpose, but barely.

The photos are divine. But there is a need for an editor in the captions beneath each picture. Still. I got it for free. What was it I was hoping for? Great for children who haven’t learned to read yet. Or, like me, folks who like to see horses.

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The Horse Book (HC Picture Books 13)The Horse Book by Ben Holden-Crowther

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Since my NaNoWriMo is/was about equine people I wanted just pictures for visual inspiration. This book filled the bill perfectly. I might have wanted more, especially of ponies. But these are marvelous photos of horses and landscapes.

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Horses: Amazing Pictures and Fun Horse Facts for Kids (and Parents)Horses: Amazing Pictures and Fun Horse Facts for Kids by Susan Palmer

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Because I am writing about equines in my nano novel (NaNoWriMo.org). I needed a little inspiration. This book was free so I thought I’d take a chance.

There were not as many pictures as I really wanted. But there was one at the beginning of each chapter. This seems to be a book for the third to sixth grader who is interested in learning about horses. Though I am not equestrian scholar, far from it, I didn’t expect to learn anything. But I did! So I would say that even though it’s aimed at third to sixth graders, I think anybody could read this and learn something. And if you beating on Kindle Fire or on a tablet the pictures are beautiful. And it gave me the inspiration I needed.

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Out on the Panhandle (The Adventures of Decky and Charlie, #2)Out on the Panhandle by R.E. Bradshaw

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love the Decky and Charlie stories. This couple has such a nice relationship. I love how the real Decky (R.E. Bradshaw) creates believable characters and stories. And the way the author presents family life. In these stories, Decky’s mom is bipolar. This is portrayed well as Decky tries to live an uncomplicated life with her new love.

In this book, Decky researches the history of Charlie’s family ranch. It is an education for all who read about the Comanche tribe and the troubles they had with the white invaders. I was glad I was reading this on Columbus Day. It made me feel I was celebrating the Native Ameican Day as it should be called.

Okay, I have to admit, though, I wasn’t completely thrilled with the book. The first part felt forced. The dialogue didn’t ring true, or something. Not sure I can pin it down. But after the story got off the ground, I was hooked. It wasn’t quite the thriller the last book was but it still had its share of adventure and action. Meanwhile, I learned a lot about the Comanche tribe and the Panhandle of Oklahoma.

Oh, and did I mention–horses? Yep. There are horses. That made me very happy. (My twelve-year-old self was galloping along with the characters.

I am looking forward to reading more by R.E. Bradshaw.

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