Tag Archive: i-have-book-2

Review: Mars Burning

Mars Burning
Mars Burning by Cidney Swanson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a hard review to write. Why? Because I have to take time out of the next book in the series to write it. I absolutely love this series! It is the most satisfying science fiction that I have read in my entire life! I don’t want it to end! In my 64 years, I have read a lot of sci-fi. Much of it made me want to be an astronaut. But almost all of it was written by males with male main characters. That didn’t stop me from reading it. Had this been my reading diet as a young person I might have pushed myself beyond my bad math skills to aim for that dream. Fly to Mars and be a Martian citizen.

What I like most about this series is what I liked of Asimov’s books. The research is there. Cidney Swanson does one better, she gives the reader the opportunity to follow suggested links at the end of the book to learn about Mars, NASA, and other wonderful sciencey goodness.

But don’t get hung-up on the science. Ms. Swanson creates strong characters and builds believable worlds. Jess, the spit-fire pilot and her brother Ethan, a savant hacker, are flying to Earth, back, and beyond to save their home-world of Mars. The depth of characters and their relationships astounds me.

I could go on and on but book five is calling me. Please, if you get the chance, read the Saving Mars series. I think the trilogy is still $.99. Enjoy!

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The Saving Mars Series
The Saving Mars Series by Cidney Swanson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh. My. Goodness. I love, love, love this series! Oh, how I wish this would have been around when I was a young adult. I think it would have been the motivation I needed to pursue being an astronaut, math skills be damned!

Don’t be afraid to read it if you are a little younger than a “young adult”. I think even as young as a 10 year old could read it as this is a fairly benign story. Still it is a great adventure with space travel and futuristic life on Mars and Earth. I’m 64. I can’t get enough of these books. There are older characters to relate to in the story, too.

Speaking of characters, as much as I love the girl from Mars, Jess, her brother, Eth, is even more fascinating. He is a highly functioning autistic person or maybe he has Asberger’s syndrome. The author never applies a label, which I find refreshing. Eth uses what he knows and plays the role he is assigned in the mission even through his own disabilities. But then the rest of the crews does the same thing. Each character has their own short-comings and strengths. That is why the series works so well.

As I have stated in the reviews of the first two books, I think guys would like this as much as the gals as there are characters they can relate to, and the action and adventure just keeps coming.

On this, the third book for me, I found it a little less action and more setting the stage for more to come. I can hardly wait for the next book, but I have to wait for my next paycheck as I have spent my allotment for books for this month. By the way, this three volume set is still $.99.

I think everyone, especially science fiction buffs will love this series. The author has done her homework and even gives websites for Mars fans to look up all they need to know about Mars and spaceflight. Enjoy!

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Review: Saving Mars

Saving Mars
Saving Mars by Cidney Swanson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my! I finished this book two days ago. Why haven’t I written a review yet? Because it was so good I couldn’t wait to read the next book. Oops! I have no self-control when it comes to good books!

If you love science fiction with a spot of fantasy thrown in this is the book for you.

It fit all my criteria for my recent reading goals. This had a strong main character, who happened to be female. This character was flawed as were the other folks that people this novel and its planets. This story is quite accessible to male readers, too. And though I tagged it as Young Adult, I think any age would love it. It may have a few concepts too strong for little ones, but even those could be conversation starters. I would say this is easily rated G. Not to mention this old lady LOVED it!

All that said… As I mentioned before, I have book two already started, but I worried. I didn’t have book three. Today I saw that the box set of the trilogy was $.99. Grabbed it! Hope it is still on sale tomorrow for the rest of you! Sorry I am so late to let you all know.

Now back to reading.

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Rowena Through the Wall: Expanded Edition
Rowena Through the Wall: Expanded Edition by Melodie Campbell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I received Rowena Through the Wall as a gift from the author for an honest review.

I hate taking the time away from the series to write a review! That’s how good this first book was. The ending prodded me to make sure I had number two lined up. Don’t get me wrong, number one didn’t leave you on a real cliffhanger. It just leaves you wanting more.

This book remind me of P.C. Cast’s Paratholon series. I loved that series so to find something similar, yet unique, made me a happy reader, indeed!

Rowena is a modern womyn, independent, self-actualizing, and funny. I loved her! I loved that this wasn’t a squishy romance novel. There’s plenty of action, much of it unwanted, but squishy is just not a part of this great adventure. There is science and magic. There is time-travel, of sorts. Or should I call it world hopping? Well, written and believable. Well, that is, until I need to explain it here.

You know, I think this series could be a movie or television series. It is that much fun. It keeps your attention dwelling in the book and the real world disappears into Rowena’s.

I think males or females from young adult on could read it and find it a gripping read.

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Sticks, Stones, and Dragon Bones III
Sticks, Stones, and Dragon Bones III by Evelyn Ink
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, thank you, Evelyn Ink, for letting me read this delightful series and especially this one. This was, in fact, a free-for-review read from Smashwords.

This was a perfect bedtime book. Let me take a moment to say that I have discovered a way to read on my tablet after my husband is asleep. I have downloaded Moon Reader Pro which has the text-to-speech feature. Sure I could have listened on my Kindle but I wanted to read along without turning on the lights. As a kid I used to sneak the flashlight under the covers to read when I was supposed to be asleep. How I wish Ms. Ink’s books and the technology of today was there for me way back when!

Boys: Read this!

Girls: Read this!

These books are about a group of siblings that have been allowed to follow their passions. The youngest, twins, are into pirates and have their own lingo the the older siblings must learn to interpret. The older sisters are forced to care for their younger sisters while drawn into an adventure none have chosen. They are stuck in a world without their parents and must learn who to trust. They decide that they are their own authorities on their lives. All are smart kids who occasionally make mistakes. Meanwhile the action and adventure are highly fun and scary!

Anyone who is starting on book 1 at this point is lucky. I think I might have been better off to read these all in a row. I had a hard time remembering some of the previously met characters and places. Most of the time Ms. Ink gave enough hints that I would be drawn back in. But there were a couple times I felt lost. I don’t blame the author for this. I do have a memory like a sieve. But even then I kept reading and enjoyed the ride.

I could see these books made into movies equal to Harry Potters or Narnia. Again, I say: Where were these books when I was a kid? All adventure books were about boys. Girl books were prissy and boring. Smart readers everywhere will love the characters and the scary fun presented here.

I could go on, but I think I’ve covered everything. Please read these books! FUN!!!

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Moon Reader Pro

Image representing Smashwords as depicted in C...

  Image by None via CrunchBase

Review: Idolmaker


Idolmaker by Jonelle Patrick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Disclaimer: I was given this complimentary copy of Idolmaker by the author, Jonelle Patrick for an honest review.


I can’t believe I am finished with yet another of the Tokyo Mysteries. I so love this series. Though I have tagged this as romance, it isn’t led by that squishy, gooey stuff rather, these are people and caring is a part of their being.


These books do start with a murder and a wonder as to who did it and why. But the most important feature of the books is the character driven adventure of the two main characters, Yumi and Kenji. Thrown in the recent historical event of earthquake and tsunami, the criminal investigation is thrown for a loop.


The characters are believable and likable. I feel I have become friends with them through Jonelle Patrick’s ability to write from each character’s point of view.


Oh, what the couple goes through! Then the book wraps up nicely with only a small thread that gives promise that I don’t have to give up on my favorite Japanese couple. 🙂


Thanks for letting me read this, Jonelle!


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Location of Tokyo within Japan

Location of Tokyo within Japan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What an exciting conclusion to a great trilogy. Read my review here:

<a href=”http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15827257-emergence&#8221; style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img alt=”Emergence (Eden’s Root Trilogy #3)” border=”0″ src=”http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1365267098m/15827257.jpg&#8221; /></a><a href=”http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15827257-emergence”>Emergence</a&gt; by <a href=”http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/719277.Rachel_Fisher”>Rachel Fisher</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/605511766″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Wow! What a ride! Look if I’m dingy today, I blame Rachel Fisher. This book started out rolling and didn’t stop. Real life got in my way, or I would’ve finished this in a day or so. Somewhere around 60%, it felt slower but that was the calm before the storm. I figured last night. I’d start reading it midnight and I would fall asleep. The sun was well up in the sky for two hours before I fell asleep. I could not put the book down. I wanted to know what was going to happen to Fi and her friends.<br /><br />I gave this five stars because, as usual, Ms. Fisher told a wonderful tale. But I noticed that somewhere around 60% of the book, there were a few mistakes words left out or tiny misspellings. The other thing that really bothered me and I know this is just me, how did Fi deal with dirty diapers? I’ve had four kids. I could not have fought a war with any one of them hanging from me. I know Fi is a really strong woman. But somehow I have a hard time grasping a woman who just gave birth and running 3 miles with her baby in the backpack. It just seems rather impossible to me. But that doesn’t stop the story. And it is an amazing one. Maybe I missed something in reading it.<br /><br />I love the ending! I will have to reread the trilogy again as I miss this great bunch of characters!
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