Tag Archive: #Inktober2021

I had to miss yesterday. I went to town (two hours away) to get an upper GI procedure done. I barely got 400 words before I left and had no energy when I got home for anymore. So today, I had to play catch up. My friend and I are finding when we get together on Zoom, we are reasonably productive. We do a bit of a chat but then get right to it. Sometimes we talk about our projects and somehow, bringing the story to light seems to give us a push. This is her first year in a long time that she’s felt up to NaNoWriMo. But she’s being gentle and keeping it accessible for herself to feel good about it. Her goal is 25K, and she is going great guns. I love hearing about her story.

My own story is coming along. It surprises me that the story that started out as a bunch of drawings for #Inktober. Yet the characters feel as real as if they lived in this house with me. Anyway, Crystal now has 26,873 words that make me just a smidge ahead of today’s count.

Oh, the pickles that Crystal and her friends get up to!

Knitting still continues. I think I will have a hat finished in the next few days. I can say, happily, that the mohair is finally gone!

I also have two pairs of socks in the making. This one is ahead of the race. I like to work on them two at a time, so they stay the same length as their mate. This one is for a male, so the heel will be another four inches from here.

Making Monday

Yes, knitting still happens during NaNoWriMo. Especially while I wait for the computer to warm up or while thinking through a plot issue. Here’s the hat that I totally frogged and began again.

This is a combination of the blue and pink of the last two hats. It seems to come out a bit of grey this way. It feels as soft as the other two hats, and I think it will be warm for ears with the double layer brim.

I still have two pairs of red Christmas socks in the making, but the hat is taking the hands hostage. Who knows why some projects win for the day, and others have to sit and wait? They’ll all get done.

Crystal has moved from my #Inktober project to my NaNoWriMo project. I had a little story that I am rewriting as I am adding to my yWriter. Though this may be a rebel month if Crystal proves to be a short story rather than a full-blown novel, I have other projects to get my wordage to grow in. But after today, I am beginning to think this may have possibilities. I managed 2,613 words today. A lot of that was character development. The more I develop her, the more she becomes real, even if her stressful ability is one I’ve never heard of before, so I have no idea how it works. I still feel more that I want to write, so I think I’ll get back to it.

Just a word of guilt. Except for the slightest tootle yesterday, I haven’t touched my recorders in four or five days. I wrote up a schedule, but the world and I disagreed with how it was written. Obviously not in stone! And, once again, I missed my Easy Writers Zoom Meeting. I set an alarm, but that was for the exact time or within five minutes. But you know ADD means if I am into another activity, I can’t just walk away. Next week I’ll set the alarm for 5:30 to give me the time to get out of whatever project and sit and tootle some while waiting. Which may be the way to creep the music back in. I hope to do a toot or two tonight to break up the extra writing.

You see, I want to get a few days ahead. I know that the second Friday of this month is my eye consultation, and that same day I get a COVID test in prep for an upper GI to see why I am a constant heart burner. My doctor thinks it is a hiatal hernia. I guess we’ll see soon. Anyway, there are two days I might not get the chance to write. And though it hasn’t stopped me any other year, there is Thanksgiving. Heck, I’ve sat on the floor at my daughter’s house with my laptop, and while we all visited, I typed away. I tried to stay focused on my loved ones while the story flowed through my hands. I can’t promise it was well done, but it was words in the story!

So without further ado, lots to do before I sleep!

A Hard Decision

With NaNoWriMo coming up fast, I’ve decided to forgo the rest of #Inktober. The story the first ones of the month prompted will be rewritten possibly as the main NaNo 50K or as part of a threesome I need to finish from before. I will use the prompts in the story and make drawings or sketches.

There is only one week to prepare for the three projects.

What made me decide this? I haven’t played my recorders for days. Having too much to do only makes me feel guilt. Guilt makes me unproductive. So I need to figure out my time better to keep it free and fun.

Back to making music.

Unfinished Friday, #Inktober

I had planned to finish my #Inktober for the last three days but, life, you know? I even know where the story goes, so, here’s the first sketch. I’ll finish the rest and add ‘compass’ tomorrow somehow. Below the roof, tick, and helmet sketch.

Finally, done with the things like my walk, winter clothes out, and summer put away. Hey, did I tell you I’ve managed another 36+ hour fast? I’m pretty jazzed about that. It has taken me a LONG time to get to this point. I decided Sunday is best for the day to skip food. It gets more of a spiritual feeling as I try to find which things to focus my thoughts on. And just like the fast I did with my husband for his procedure last week, I find the hours 24 and 25 the most difficult. After that, it is a piece of cake. I broke that fast with two slices of bread with butter and one egg. And I didn’t get sick from it! Yay!

The fall progress picture was taken after my walk.

The trees and mesquite bushes are shedding quite a lot.

So on to my #Inktober submission and a continuation of the story.

“Crystal, wake up!” Her fan was shaking her.

“Go away. Let me sleep!” Crystal groaned. Then she rolled over. She was cold. She pulled on her hood and stuck her hands in her pockets. “Oh, it’s over?”

The fan was surprised. “Yeah. What was all that? Was it real?” The fan held out her hand. “Cindy, by the way. My name is Cindy.”

Crystal took Cindy’s hand and allowed Cindy to help Crystal to her feet. “Hi, Cindy! What happened?” Crystal knew. But each of her helpers experienced these things far differently from what Crystal knew as the truth.

“Were you a lizard? Who killed the guard? And should we go help that guy?” Cindy asked and pointed to another corner where a barrel seemed to be calling out with a hand waving. “And what is that sour smell?”

Crystal sniffed the air and wrinkled her nose. “Ew! Yeah. What is that?”

Crystal and Cindy walked toward the barrel. As they got closer, the word ‘Pickles’ gave them the odor’s origin. “They must be rotten pickles.” Crystal stated. She reached into the barrel and pulled out a man in a soggy green uniform. A puffy sopping hat was in his other hand.

“William! How did you get in here?” Crystal asked.

“There was a huge wind. It blew off my hat. The hat fell into the barrel. I had to go in and get it. But that was when I got stuck. I’m so glad you found me before I was pickled.”

Crystal laughed. She understood how all this happened. She wanted to hug her friend, but, ick! “Let’s go back to my trailer, and I’ll explain it all to both of you.
After you shower and change into clean clothes, that is. You’re quite the guard, Will! And you were put into quite the pickle!” She laughed again.

Inktober 2021, Pick

Well, the story has taken some weird turns today. Wish I knew where it is going. Without further ado here’s today’s installment.

As Crystal stood in the fresh air behind the theater, she felt it happen. She knew what to expect. Time to choose. “I pick you.” She pointed to the fan who had assisted her in getting out.

The fan knew it meant she should protect Crystal at all cost. She stood proudly. There was no greater honor.

Finally, the pressure gave way in an explosion of sorts. The crowd of people surrounding them were instantly transformed into animals. Some the fan recognized, some were beings no one had ever seen before.

Crystal became small, a tiny lizard. The fan scooped up Crystal and held her carefully in her hands.

The animals wandered away. Most were hungry so they headed for the nearby woods.

Now isolated Crystal began to grow. Soon her protector couldn’t contain her. The fan wrapped her ward in her sweatshirt . Soon even that wasn’t enough. “Crystal what can I do?”

The lizard grew large enough to hold the fan on her back. Then she ran toward the candy-striped guard shack. Maybe her friend the watchman could help them.

Crystal nearly dropped her fan as the scene that awaited them was a pool of blood with a pick axe leaning against the shack wall. Where was her friend?

The fan pointed toward another building where the bloody footprints led.

“We need to find a safe place for you. Let’s try the warehouse over there until we feel safe.”

Crystal was now nearly as large as the guard shack. The warehouse would be best.

Though the door was locked, Crystal used her front legs as arms and broke the lock. They went in and found a corner to rest in.


Now for the #Inktober2021 ink.

Some scary stuff but at least a hero is safe for the moment.

Per Linda G. Hill

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “lid.” Use it in the literal sense, use it in the metaphorical sense, use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

I decided to combine #SOCS’s ‘lid’ with #Intober2021 where the prompt of the day is ‘pressure’.

Here’s the story’s continuation:

Trying to keep the lid on seemed to increase the pressure. The watchman clicked on his watch and scrolled to Crystal’s name and hit send. When her face came on the screen it was full of understanding. Her crystals were growing nearly taking over her irises. It made her look blind, but he knew it was the opposite. He warned her to get out while she could.

Crystal looked around at her fans. She felt the one who had whispered before, tugging at her arm. She whispered again, “Let’s get out of here, this way!”

Crystal let herself be pulled while bowing and thanking the enclosing crowd.


Shoot! Another cliffhanger! What is going to happen? I wish I knew! Anyway, here’s the #Intober2021 ink.

Inktober, Watch

First of all, I like drawing with a pencil. I’m not doing well with the finality of ink when I am not at all versed in how. So sorry, not sorry. Besides, this is to encourage my writing. Having multiple words yesterday in trying to catch up was easier to pull out the story. But this is going more slowly. First the pic and then the bit I’ve written.

Maybe I should use markers to color in. I can’t seem to leave the sketch in black and white. And that bit at the upper left is the watch on the guard’s arm, not a pill bottle. Okay, the story installment:

The watchman looked at his watch. Panic set in his bones. He noticed the crowd closing in on Crystal.

How was he to rescue her while obeying her command to let her enjoy her fans? But midnight approaches, and he now what that means!


I hate cliffhangers!

Inktober 2021

My friend was telling me how much fun she was having with Inktober. She is not only inking illustrations but also inking a journal or story to go with the picture prompt. That sounded like fun so I’m joining seven days late.

Here’s my days 1-7 #Inktober2021 submission and then the story that goes with it. Since I wrote the story long handed I felt it too personal to take a picture of my handwriting.

Arriving proudly at the ball, Crystal, dressed in a formfitting suit, grabbed the mic. “I refuse to be a vessel for another man!” She loosened the knot at her neck, as she continued, “No wonder guys are so cross! Ties are the worst thing since high heels!” At which point she kicked those glass slippers off the stage.

The belt was next, then Crystal squirmed out of the skin-tight pants. Her jacket was long enough to cover the goods or the raven-black panties covering said goods.

The crowd was cheering her on. This wasn’t on the itinerary but none would object. Still, the spirit wasn’t in her to continue. She bowed to wild applause and then descended into the audience.

“Excuse me, Crystal,” a voice whispered behind her, “I’m you’re biggest fan.”


In my #Inktober sketch above I made a close of Crystal’s eye a sneak peak, I think, is that she was born with a crystal in her eye and since then has developed several each gives her powers. The list of prompts is on the Inktober 2021 website. I’m hoping the writing part will spark something for NaNoWriMo some people call October Preptober. That last link was a Google search and there are so many there to help a person get ready I think I’ll keep it open and wade through them all later.

How many want to join me in either Inktober or NaNoPrep?


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