Tag Archive: Isaac Marion

The Burning World (Warm Bodies #2)The Burning World by Isaac Marion
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Though not as good or a quick a read as Warm Bodies, it was still a crunchie and delicious read. Seeing through the zombie’s eyes, R’s, we learn as he does about his past and the world’s past and present. The romance, though ongoing, seems to be cooling as a whole team of acquaintances attempts to find places of safety.

The narrator, Jacques Roy, does a great job acting out the various characters. At least he doesn’t make the females sound like he’s demeaning them. He keeps the listener engaged.

The author, Isaac Mario, melds action and poetry. Sometimes I wish I could turn on the light and write down a line or two he says. Just beautiful for a zombie story! Especially toward the end. I have already ordered the next book. And though this was a Libby audio, I ordered my own copy of the audible version, and I now have the blu-ray. I love this series!

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Warm Bodies (Warm Bodies, #1)Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Now, this was a fun book. How is it I never heard about it until recently? I wish I hadn’t finished it so quickly. Luckily, there is a book two, so as soon as Libby has it available, I can go back into M’s world and watch brains form in the once-dead zombie.

Go check out the blurb on GoodReads or Amazon. But maybe, like me, you only need a good friend to tell you this is fun. You need a fun read. Here it is!

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