Tag Archive: Italy

Beneath a Scarlet SkyBeneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark T. Sullivan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a compelling story. I loved that I got to ‘read’ it through Audible on Kindle Unlimited. It was quite interesting.

Normally, I don’t like war stories. And my mission has been for quite some time to read female writers and female main characters. Mostly because in my early life, I only had male books to read to. I am feeding my inner child. Even so, I make exceptions. This one qualified. It is based on a true story, and I did love the main character in most of the book.

Pina is the main character, and I think I loved him because he tried so hard to help his loved ones, and then he tried to help others to safety in a world that was going wrong all around him.

I highly recommend this book, especially the Audible version. It is longer than my usual read, but It kept me up until 4 AM a couple of times. I just didn’t want to leave him to fight without me. And the story, probably because it is based in a sucky reality, stayed with me into my sleep. I pray we never have that kind of thing happen in the world again!

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Review: A Silent Shore

A Silent Shore
A Silent Shore by E.J. Mack
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book has been sitting on my To Read shelf for so long that I had forgotten about it. I picked it from BookRooster.com. I don’t know why I chose it. There must have been something in the reviews or blurb that got me.

The book was okay. I see many five star reviews, so it must just be me. I liked the parts about Izzy and her mother, but the parts about the men-folk were just plain boring to me. Sorry. If you like books about deceit, power, and relationships that don’t work, then this is the book for you. Read other reviews for reasons why others loved it.

Oh, I guess I should add the plusses. I liked E.J. Mack’s writing style and her characters were believable.

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