Tag Archive: JJIJ


What a joyous January! <—Wednesday’s 1-Liner


This was an especially wonderful day. There was a meeting of the Hat Huggers. The chairperson rattled off how many charities our comfort items went to. It was very impressive.

Here is where I get to shine my nails on my chest. (And if I can’t on my blog where can I?) After the meeting our chairperson told me that the sheriff was very impressed with my stuffed animals and dolls. They were able to release them here locally to children in need and could I make lots more? I felt flattered but more, I felt I am useful. When you are in pain you wonder. But my distraction from the pain is going to a very good cause. I leave January happy. <—Jot

It has been a lot of fun participating in Just Jot It January. I hope I can keep up with writing every day. Having a one word prompt helps keep me writing. Thank you, Linda G. Hill!

Just Jot it January is the brainchild of Linda G. Hill.


I can hear Babs singing it right now. I never saw Cats but in voice-class, this was a favorite. I loved that class. Because I got to take it eight times (four for voice and four for accompaniment–which I was allowed to still use for voice. I hated accompaniment. My eye-hand coordination is worse when stressed and being the one playing on stage nearly killed me. I loved singing. I was afraid at first but soon was able to use the butterflies to my benefit.


After eight semesters I was able to take voice lessons from the teacher. I LOVED that! Soon I was able to sing with friends or alone at churches and other events. I loved hanging out with my musical friends, singing harmonies, playing musical games.  Ah! Memories!


When I had to move from the area life took over and all that went by the way-side. If I had to sing solos now I would be a nervous wreck. But I miss it. I must find a way to add making music to my daily schedule.

I’m not good at being audience. I can’t sit still long enough. But in those days I got to be in a couple musicals, My Fair Lady – chorus and Oliver (Old Sally). I like singing in the chorus. I got to be the screechy high soprano because most couldn’t get the notes. I’d like to think I was okay. Mostly it was fun being a part of the production. Musicals are my favorite type of music. I like my music to come with stories. I like acting it all out. No talking parts for me. Makes me too nervous. I can remember song words, not spoken.

Into the Woods, Phantom of the Opera, Yentl, and Les Miserable are among my favorites. What are yours?


Linda G. Hill: Who could top your memory. Memory is a cold mother!



OMG! Wednesday was easy! I may need to work on some other things today! Coloring? Journaling? Editing? Color my hair! Ding ding ding! Time to do my hair and come back and color a picture while I decide what to do next.

Say, anyone having trouble with media/pictures? I can’t seem to access my pictures for WP. When I hit ADD+ the next one prompts choosing what’s there or saved. But when I select from my cloud which picture to use it all gets stuck. I have to hit refresh to get out of that pop-up. So these pictures are copied straight from Linda’s site. Yesterdays SYW was copied from Cee’s Photography. I don’t know if it show up or if it is ‘legal’. What can I do to make that work? It used to be easy.

Just Jot It January is brought to us by Linda G. Hill. Go check out her site. The prompt for the day is boisterous.

After the drama of yesterday’s prompt, I cannot feel boisterous. With all that is happening in the world, I cannot feel boisterous.

There are some things I feel grateful for, the healing of my ex-but-friend-and-always-my-adult-childrens’-father. Health, home, family, friends, food…etc.

But not boisterous.

I think I used to be. I think I am still more energetic that even my body or people I know and love can handle. I think that is why I have a hard time with the fibro/arthritis. I want to follow my ADHD from here to there and back, but only my brain goes and the rest sits and knits. It seems all I can do. At least I can do that. And the projects go to folks who need them. At least there’s that.

Boisterous goes with my kids when they were small and had enough energy people always told me they wish we could bottle it. As tired as I was chasing the four of them, I knew where that energy came from. Boisterous goes with reading aloud books like

The Monster at the End of this Book


I think if I read it again to my pets I might gain back a bit of the Boist!

Just Jot It January–Drama

Well, I decided that last year’s JIJ worked so well for me to get into daily journaling/blogging/writing that I’m back again! Thanks to Linda G. Hill for giving us all this opportunity to just jot. Today’s prompt is Drama.

It seems that a lot of people thrive on it, drama. For me, it often seems silly the drama created because people don’t just speak their truth. Maybe they are afraid of not being accepted. Or maybe they want to try out a new vision of themselves and don’t want to look silly as they practice it.

Could it be they want to hurt your feelings or save your feelings? What if it is just not a good day and they need to be left alone? The person on the outside looking in can only wait until the truth comes out, however long that may take. Yet the person feeling and causing the drama may not even know. I’ve been on all sides of this drama dilemma.

There are some people that force issues and get in your face and yell. That may work for some but if a person gets in my face it is more than likely going to turn me off and send me elsewhere. There are some that need that kind of catalyst. If they get mad enough or sad enough they will let it all out. But I find that it is often the crazy emotion that taints the inner truth.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just be logical like Spock and work things through? I can do without the drama–unless it is in a movie or book, or I get to be the actress playing the part.

What are your thoughts on this topic?


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