Running with Curves: Why You're Not Too Fat to Run, and the Skinny on How to Start TodayRunning with Curves: Why You’re Not Too Fat to Run, and the Skinny on How to Start Today by Jill Angie

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

People may wonder, as I do, why I read things that are a bit far removed from my reality. I think I collect books and read them as a sort of dream-board idea. Sometimes for research for writing, but, in this case, a sort of hope, that someday I will be well again and be able to challenge my body to fun. Running looks like fun. I doubt I will be ready for it for quite a while as I am just now able to take an occasional walk. But with spring in the air, I plan to get out more and more. Who knows, maybe a sprint or two will result here and there.

This book doesn’t get into the damages that can be done to legs or knees when a person is overweight or out of shape. But assumes that the person has figured out how far one can push themselves. It is more a book of inspiration. You can do it. Don’t worry about how you look to others, regain your own self-confidence. If I gained nothing else from the book I did pull that into my being. It is something I need to work on. And so my walks will be a part of that.

Thank you, Jill Angie for writing a book about running for people like me.

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