Tag Archive: Joy


See the strings of icy lace on the lower right? They’ve been growing for days from our Pogonip.

My joy is the weather around here. Well, when it’s snowy and beautiful. Pogonip tried to fool us.

The ‘nip’ started falling from the trees like snow. This fog seems never ending. And it’s cold! I can understand why being out in it could cause illness. It hurts to breathe it. But for this homebody looking through the window, it’s a joy.

One-liner Wednesday

Joy creates creativity and creativity creates joy.

Linda’s One-liner Wednesday is easy and fun.

Per Linda G. Hill:  Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “open book, point, write.” Pick up the closest book to you when you sit down to write your post. Close your eyes, open the book, and place your finger on the page. Whatever word or phrase your finger lands on, write about it. Enjoy!


From  Zen Doodle Mindscapes Tap Into Your Emotions by Carolyn Scrace :

Page 98/99 Joy and Happiness

“Joy descends gently upon us like the evening dew,

and does not patter down like a hailstorm,” Jean Paul

This is a book about Zen Doodling. I don’t have a lot of paper books close at hand to grab so this is what I did grab. The two pages were beautiful showing ways you can get to the emotion of Joy drawn, expressed in your artwork. I haven’t read to the page. I am still at the beginning of the book learning about the Zen Doodle rather than what I thought it was, the Zen Tangle. Not sure what the difference is. It seems from my newbie point of view that the doodle is a freer art than the Tangle. When I finish this book and the other I nabbed a bit ago, I might be able to answer that question.

I’m not sure I agree with Jean Paul about Joy.  I think Joy is a state of mind we can have even when all seems bad. For me, it seems Joy is a product of gratefulness and knowing you are living your best life. Not that life is all good but that you realize you have a love for life as it is for there is hope for what feels wrong and you are giving what you can for others. Joy isn’t giddy like getting on a rollercoaster. It’s a midline that if you breathe and get calm you can find it.

It’s going to be interesting to see if I can express it in my art.

Have a Joyful Weekend everyone!



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